Career Day

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Dean is goint to be one year out of Highschool and Sam is going to be in eight grade (I know it doesn't really line up as far as age but go with it :))


Sam Winchester is an easy target for bullies. He is a tiny kid measuring at 5'3  and just over 100 pouds at fourteen years old. He's shorter than most of the girls even. Not to mention he is always the new kid and he is a complete geek (according to Dean at least). Needless to say he is at a very high risk of getting bullied; he is small- but he isn't weak. He could probably take on the biggest kid in school and hold his own, maybe even win. 

The only problem is Sam doesn't want to fight, he doesn't want to stand up for himself. Instead he takes it, never even batting an eye. Quite frankly the words don't really bother him anymore- unless they say something about his family. The bullies have never gotten phyiscal yet, which is good for thier own sake. If Dean saw  bruises he woud undoubtably rip thier lungs out and not even regret it. 

Sam waited in the parking lot for the Impala to come rolling up, Dean's hand sticking out the open window, leaher jacket smelling like gun powder and grease. He shifted crinkling the paper in his hand and then mentally cursing trying to smooth it against his leg clad in jeans. He heard the engine before he could see the car, sulking towards the end of the pick up line so Dean wouldn't accuse him of being lazy. 

As Sam approached Dean winked at some chick picking up her little sister from school making her blush seven shades of red. Sam announced his presence by scoffing and falling into the passenger seat, tossing his backpack behind him. 

"Hey Sammy!" Dean says while pulling out of the pick up line. 

Sam settled back into the seat and mumbled, "Hey." 

Dean shoots Sam a look and shoves him in the shoulder, "Who pissed in your cereal?"

Sam sighed under his breath mumbling something Dean couldn't hear even after years of training to pick up on quiet noises. 

"Dude, seriously, your acting like your a girl on her period." 

Sam sighed again then looked down at the slip in his hand, "Next week is career day. Dad is supposed to come and tell the class what he does for a living." 

Dean gently hit Sam's shoulder, "He'll still be on his hunt. I'll go though." He is hunting the warewolf that has been feasting on early morning joggers in the park. 

Sam whipped his head up to look at Dean, "What? You don't have too... Don't you have work?"

Dean shrugs, "I'll call in. Besides do you really want to show up with no one?" 

"You sure?" 

"'Course, Sammy."


Thursday Afternoon

Sam sits in his chair quickly scribbling down the notes from the teacher's lecture about the two president's who have been impeached and the watergate scandal that resulted in Nixon resigning from office. Their Government class is almost over, next is the career fair. Sam tried his best to distract himself all day. And for him at school that is never a problem. In math he learned how to factor quadratic equations and in English he learned about rhetoric devices (his favorite is chaismus). 

"Make sure to finish your supreme court case analysis, we will go over it tomorrow and watch an episode of West Wing. As your parents come in you can have them sit in the back of the room, they will present in order of how they get here."

Unsurprsingly Dean is a few minuets late but strides through the door with confidence. He throws a wink at the teacher and all the adults stare back at him in horror. Sam rolls his eyes as he notices the girls in his class blushing and staring at him with wide eyes. He just smirks and sits in the last empty chair in the back corner. 

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