5 Things Dean does for Sam that No One Else Can

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1. Call Sam Sammy 

Sam is 4, Dean is 8

Sam clings tightly to his big brother's worn-out jeans as he ushers them down the hall to Sammy's new class. He was so excited just the day before, Dean even scrounged up enough money to buy him a brand new shiny Batman backpack that he just loved. 

John is out on a hung, so it is Dean's job to drop his little brother off for his first day of school. 

"I'm scared, Dee. What if they don't like me?" Sam whispers into Dean's leg. 

Dean stops in the hall and crouches down in front of his little brother placing one hand on each of his shoulders, "They are going to love you, Sammy! And if anyone gives you any trouble just tell me. I'll take care of it." 

With his older brother's reassuring words Sam smiles softly and nods his head, brown fluffy hair falling into his face. Dean smirks and messes it up making Sam swat at his hands. Dean grabs onto one of Sam's fragile hands and they continue to walk towards the classroom. 

The hallways are decorated with bright cutouts of animals and cubbies are beginning to fill with coats and backpacks. Other little kids walk alongside their parents, some bouncing up and down, others with a pout. 

Once Dean finds Sam's cubby, he sets his hands on his younger brother's shoulders and steers him towards it. Sam takes off his backpack and hangs it on his hook, then Dean helps him out of his jacket and hangs that up next to it. Dean unzips his brother's backpack and pulls out his set of colored pencils, markers, and other supplies, and helps him carry it into the room. 

The room is equally as bright as the hallways. The teacher is wearing a dress with a flower on it and has long black curly hair. When the boys walk in, she is crouched in front of a young boy who has tears falling down his cheeks. 

"Dee, I wanna stay with you." Sam declares looking up at his brother with big brown eyes. 

Dean says and slowly shakes his head, "Sorry Sammy, I have to go to school too. Besides, you'll love it. You can read all day." 

Sam doesn't look too convinced. At that moment, the teacher walks over, "Hello, I'm Ms. Mullen. It's very nice to meet you," Her voice is cheery and she has a huge smile on her face. 

When Sam doesn't respond Dean jumps in, "I'm Dean and this is my little brother Sam. Sam doesn't be rude," Dean switches his focus from the teacher to his brother. 

"Hi, Ms. Mullen," Sam whispers, attaching himself to Dean's side. 

Despite the sigh coming from Dean, he wraps his arm around his brother and kneels down so they are at the same level. 

"It'll be ok, Sammy I promise." Sam nods into his brother's side but doesn't move an inch. 

Dean looks over as the teacher kneels down to be on the same level as both of them. 

"Hey, Sammy, do you want to go play with the other kids." 

Sam's head shoots over to look at her and Dean looks at him shocked, "Only Dee gets a call me Sammy," he pouts hugging his brother again. 

"I'm sorry, Sam," Ms. Mullen apologizes, "Why don't you go and meet some other kids?"

Despite everything, Dean can't help the small smile that crosses his face and the warmth that explodes through his body. After a little more convincing, Sam reluctantly went to play with the other kids. 

When Dean picked him up at the end of the day, he couldn't stop talking about it, and couldn't wait for the next day. He couldn't help but be proud of his brother. 

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