A minute

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Arjun has some how glanced the terror ahead. If they cross the forest they will end the road of someshwara hills and next step towards pancha kalyani hills be ahead.
Arjun bend down, to reach his arrow. He was stopped by the sound of elephants.
Elephants attacking the foxes, leaving way to Nakul.
Arjun thought, his brother is so smart in handling animals, in a way, different way to attack the enemies.
Nakul found, panchali was terrorised.
"Panchali, why do you fear? " " I Am happy to have you carried by me. Don't get carried away in fear. None of the animals can harm you. None will ever. All are elements of Nature. Open your eyes",
He said soothing her thoughts.
She opened her eyes to find the beautiful path of roses. It was indeed a beautiful one she had thought. She had loved the smell of it.
"Close your eyes panchali.. Imagination is a greatest treasure, so imagine you are  around the greatest gardens, surrounded by wonderful things you love...",,
" Yes panchali, also imagine about the fox that was about to attack", she heard arjun's voice coming from behind.
"See panchali, if we don't reach fast, it's arya bheem who is going to be unhappy, ", she heard voice of sahadev. He was walking in front, not too fast.. Even not slower. " Matha has informed only after the pooja, we will have a grant feast. ", nakul continued.
They all walked... They came to a slope... There was a narrow bridge. So they raised panchali and passed her like passing a baby. It was yudhister who stood on the edge. And caught her.
The minute Arjun came and drifted slowly, a creek sound was heard, the bridge broke.
He was so careful to jump ahead, a stone fell saving his fall in a minute.
The three brothers followed yudhister, who carried draupathi with care reciting a mantra. The fall of the bridge itself left draupathi with an edge, and tears rolled down.
She saw the three brothers repeating the mantra that was told by the elder one..
They were about to reach the end of the hill, a rock was rolling ahead of yudhister. Arjun took his bow!!!

 Arjun took his bow!!!

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