The Henna Art

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Nakul and Draupathi  were enjoying their horse ride. Nakul was really happy that Draupathi was riding the horse more confidently and she was looking so beautiful and elegant. He thought he is so very happy on the thought after so many years he has got some time alone with his lady love. He was feelings bit unhappy on the very thought of Mohini and her proposal before his wife. How could woman behave so odd like this.
Draupathi on the other hand thought she was spending such a good time with the handsome man of that era. Lovely  was this travel.They have travelled along, he was unusually travelling with silence she thought. What ever she imagined to be with Arjun before her marriage is happening to her, but through her other husband's.

For some time he spoke about horses, and later about the nature, the birds. Where in the world does this guy learnt this and he is very good in impressing her,. She thought. "I am I boring you ", he asked as if reading her mind.
" Not exactly ", she said. " So the horse you gifted me is so quite, and feeling comfortable. ", she said. They stopped.

" Ok, I am going to sleep. So panchali if u feel hungry, have this, " He handed over a pouch of food. "And see to that no animals are nearing us " He made a small fire with few woods and made panchali to rest. He also drifted to sleep.

She sat their looking at him. How cute he is. He was unusually handsome.the first time she saw him was near the hut when Arjun brought her home from Suyambara. He was friendly. Though he and her last husband sahadev was of same age., she felt he is bit tall which makes him handsome.
"Enjoying beauty ", she was suddenly pulled close by nakul. " No just thinking about Arya Sahadev ", she said the truth.

" Hmmm.. So what's that about him, anything he promises you. ? " He enquired. "I don't know... So you didn't sleep? " She asked

"I was.. But some where my conscious said, my wife wants me to talk to her, entertain her. So I woke. "

"Of course. Arya shall we move. I would like to walk. I don't feel like sleeping", she said.
They started to walk towards a narrow path which had a turn...
The turn left them to a stony path, and they came to a old temple of Lord parvathi. They started to tie their horses, cleaned the temple. And planned to rest.
Nakul sat down near a stone wall and made panchali to lie down on his lap.
She was asleep, he sensed some herb smell near him.

He went to the nearby bushes, made a henna from the mehndi leaves. He carefully applied on her hands and legs.
Even his horses felt so good and lively looking at his love for the yuvarani.

She woke to find her hands, and legs designed beautifully by Nakul. He was afraid.. ? If she would like or dislike. But she came straight and hugged him. They both kissed each other.
"He blinked open to find she is still asleep. And he was dreaming. He slowly closed his eyes to find the rest of the night in his dreams
She woke up to find the beautiful designs her hand. She stopped and looked back to find her cute husband cuddling on the grass bed.
" Snake.. Oooo.. Snake... "She gave a act of cry!! He opened his eyes. " Panchali, few more minutes. , I need to sleep", he said and drifted to sleep "your acting skills need a IMpROVEMENT. Better luck " He said and closed his eyes.
Unlike the other guys, he is quite unique. She rose up ready to check for some pond nearby.
She was so happy , her hands have turned reddish due to the effects of henna on her hands.

After a day, they both reached the place where, vasudev insisted. It's time for them to retire into water and find the coins and chain that was cursed. No where she could find fault in any of the pandavas. They always cared to protect her. It's her tongue at times that brings misunderstanding, but that's requiring in a lovable relationship.
"Now, whom is your thoughts engrossed? ", he asked " On you only arya ",he heard her say and was rising his eyebrow while she continued, "don't you love a beautiful lady like Mohini,.? "., " I am in love with you panchali,. I felt so embarrassed on the other day,. You will be the only woman who I share both physical and mental relationship. I know you won't be convinced if I say like this. I am in love with you ".

I love you.. She said, after a few moments of silence and they both took their horses and started towards the direction of the rising sun.

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