Bheems boon!!

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Life had been so simple but elegant for panchali. She spent most of her days cooking meals for the priest who visited the hut for them. She was eagerly waiting for yogis, cooked food. Bheem has gone to pray and get his wishes from Lord Hanuman.

Draupadi looked after their comforts and they lived a content life. One day a gentle smell came with the breeze. Draupadi was so attracted by it that she wanted the flower that gave out such a scent in her possession. Every day bhim used to go and do his prayers. He prepares the sweets and prasad for the offering.
He was done with his cooking and came out to find Nakul and sahadev have left to do their prayers in the river.she was so attracted to the smell of the flowers,she walked few distance but couldn't find a way tk reach or find where the rich smell of flowers came by!!
So she asked Bhima to get it for her Bhima said that he had no time to run behind scents to trace flowers. Draupadi was very disappointed and said: “Arya , you can’t even get a flower for me. Forget the fact that I ever told you to get it.” Saying this she went inside. That night all ate in silence. Bheem looked at his wife. She refused to look into his eyes.

Seeing Draupadi in distress Bhima became distressed. So the next day he decided to go in search of those flowers. He went through the thick forest there was no path so he had to make one of his own. He made so much noise that he scared even the wild beasts that were nearby. Soon he saw a patch where many flowers were growing. He was about to enter the flower patch when he saw a monkey in his roared: “Get up you lazy monkey. Do you know whose path you are sleeping on? I am a great warrior are a fine user of the mace. So do not compel me to use the weapon.”

The monkey slowly opened its eyes and scanned Bhima through one watery eye. It slowly replied: “You must be Bhima, the mighty Pandava. I don’t think you are a mighty warrior. Where was all this might and bravery when your cousins insulted your wife and abused her?” This speech angered Bhima even more. He said: ”Look here, old monkey. I am one who walks a straight path. I kill all those who lie in it. I do not want to kill you because you are an old monkey and people will laugh over the fact that Bhima killed an old monkey. So why don’t you just get away from my way and let me go on?”

The monkey then said: “Ok then, I am too old and weak. Why don’t you just move ahead my tail and go on?” Bhima, though reluctantly, agreed to this proposal. He tried lifting the tail but it seemed too heavy, he tried with all his might but it didn’t move an inch. He tried lifting it with his mace but the mace broke under the pressure. All the time the monkey just kept smiling. Finally Bhima accepted defeat. He said: "You are no ordinary monkey. Who are you and how can I help you?"

Then the monkey changed into Hanuman the monkey faced lord who helped lord Rama . He said: “I just wanted to meet my brother. It was also time to destroy a bit of that arrogance of yours. Well, you seemed to have been in search of the flowers that Draupadi asked for. Here there are, take these to her and I am sorry to have stopped you for such a long time.” Bheema asked " Oh Lord! You have destroyed my ego and wrath in me has faded like a limelight. I have prayed day in and out.but today I decided I will make draupathi smile. I forgot what I wanted. Lord accept my prayers!! Accept me!!! I will always be your brother! Please guide us and protect us and wish us the best in the war "!!
He wanted Hanuman to help them in the war to which Hanumana replied that it was not his time to fight but he will be present on their side, he will be present in the flag of your side!

"Dear bheem, all you pandavas had loved panchali! She is your life, and what happened to her is curse. Woman needs to be protected and love. Here! Take these, make her smile. Do not worry, I will shower you with might and strength for you. "
With this he blessed and bheem saw a little squirrel running ahead of him.
He was left with beautiful flowers.

He returned to the hut, and saw draupathi cleaning the vessels, and his eldest was helping her out.
"Arya, please come ", she turned and she was awestruck with the smell and flowers in bheem's hand.

" Draupathi, we were blessed with Mantras of Lord ashwini", we have learned the matras to cure wounds and special traits to treat animals and humans in war " Nakul had stated.

Draupathi went and touched bheem, and he turned her around nad kept the flowers on her head. The long open hair bore the red flowers. The scent caught the hut Devine.

They sat together! Started eating! While bheem narrated his encounters with Lord hanuman.T hey had finished the food!! When they heard a yogi calling out for food.

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