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People were gathered in large number, as panchali raised to her feet. She walked beside govindh.
She and her husband's exchanged looks, as the fire before her was burning till the end of the sky.
Govindh gave her 3 pieces of fruit, which she choose to eat. First she took a piece of mango, banana and jack fruit.
She was amazed, exhausted at the same time., also bore a question "Why is he offering her this. ? ".
He said this is the fruit of life closing his eyes.
The brahmins had  the yaga going on..
She walked....
ate all the three fruits, and as the mantras where repeated, fell into the fire.
It was minutes after minutes.. No sign of panchali.
The people saw the fire slowly cascading, keeping the pace of mantras. Slowly there appeared 3 energy balls one was green, one was blue and another was yellow. It came into the hands of the fathers,blue with yudhister, yellow with bheem and green with Nakul.
Ved vyas, stood up and krishna went to their side.
Krishna gave them each a small wooden box.
"Keep the souls of your boys within you ", and taught them a mantra.
"You need to live your life with draupathi, and as you live, purity will bring life to this balls. ", repeated the sage.
" But, they were around 6 or 7 years, now.. How can we? ", nakul enquired.
"A year with you all. All of them will return back, same age. But no one should touch these boxes. Keep it under water. And your sons age is just like a pause. It's a mistake, there won't be a rewind for this ", they all nodded.
Just then they saw draupathi walking out from the fire.
She came to the family members, and pandavas repeated what they heard from the sage. It's not her mistake. She was careful. All this is an accident. And now she needs to wait.
Each brother took the box. It was placed in the secret chamber in each other's room. Everyday they waited. But the balls remained the same.

Months have passed... Panchali was still thinking of her fate. She did all the chores for her all four pandavas.
Took enough care. Somewhere she missed arjun. She cried and cried in bheem arms when the eagle came with the message first time, when she was pregnant with Nakul's son years before. Now again, she is getting a news. This time she did not cry.. She just tore the paper foil and burnt it before the other pandavas. They felt like she is burning their brother.
She never commented about it though.
She sat next to bheem. Fighting her rage. He cupped her face, and he shared how he felt living with her is always a happy thing for him unlike sharing his experience about his earlier marriage long long ago.
"You are our lucky star", "we won't disappoint you. ".he said consoling her.

Next day she woke and she found the size of the balls have increased and shared the news with pandavas and kalyani.

She heard that Arjun has married twice in these 7 years people on his travels, the news sure to reach her first., The first of whom was a Naga princess named ulupi with whom he had a son called Iravan. His second marriage was with a princess of Manipura, Chitrangatha,who bore a son.
Then he had left to excile again.
She was not bothered about how many marriages he had done.
She knew their relationship is always strong.
Her year with bheem is going to come to an end. She saw as usual, her life was turning out to be a life of lot many changes. She was always young but she saw a gray hair in her yudhisters mustache . She carefully removed it making him blush. She continued her services to him.
She was still waiting for the life for her children.
She saw krishna coming to meet her.
"I am still life without my kids., krishna, I could have died.. The blooming sounds of my three sons ", she was weeping.
"You did not live a true life, and you need to be truthful to your self. Be proactive, not don't reflect your sadness in the life you share " He took her to the garden, started playing his flute.

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