He roared in laughter at my comment. “You know you would miss this hot body if I did add plush.” He said motioning to himself.

“If you say so…”

“What was that?” he asked while poking me in the sides. “What did you say missy?”

I wiggled in his grip, trying to grab his hands to stop him. I could feel my eyes starting to water from my laughing. “Ah please stop!” I shouted through my laughter. “Stoooppp!”

“Oh the lovebirds are at it already.” Jessie cooed clasping her hands together. “Trent stop harassing my sister!” she demanded switching from the mushy mood to the serious I will hurt you mood. She walked up to Trent and grabbed his ear. “I said hands off young man!”

He let go of me instantly and held his hands up in surrender. “My goodness you are just like my mother Jess.” He chuckled, trying to pry Jessie’s fingers from around his ear. “Ok, ok I will stop tickling my girl.”

I felt my heart leap at him calling me his girl. A smile stretched across my face as I went over to help get Jessie off him. “Ok Jess I think he has had enough for now,” I chirped while giving Trent a smirk.

“What do you mean for now?”

“That means you act up again mister then I am going to pop you,” Jessie stated, throwing her pointer finger in his face. Her jaw dropped open when she saw his left eye, “Holy cow Trent what did you do get hit in the face with a football? I mean I know you can’t catch that well but I think you should just be butterfingers from now on…”

He turned and glared at her for a moment. “Watch yourself,” he mumbled, walking up to me.

“Did I hurt your feelings?” She asked innocently, batting her eyelashes.

I couldn’t help but laugh and all eyes were turned to me. Trent was giving me a playful glare and then Jessie was just looking at me in her usual way. “You guys sound like brother and sister,” I chuckled, shaking my head lightly.

Jessie glowered at me for a moment before turning and popping Trent in the back of the head. He looked over at her in disbelief. “What was that for!?” He asked incredulously. He rubbed the back of his head, muttering foul words while dragging me along towards the front door of the school. “Just for that I am not driving you home!”

Her face morphed from anger to shock in two seconds. “Wait I am sorry!” she shouted running up behind us.

I let out a surprised yelp when Trent picked me up and started running through the parking lot towards his car. I bounced on his shoulder watching Jessie running at full speed trying to catch up to us. For someone who was carrying extra weight on him he sure did know how to book it. Nausea started to take over by the time we reached his car and I started pounding on his back to get him to put me down.

 Resting my hand on his shoulder I covered my mouth begging my stomach to settle down. Looking up at Trent I saw his face edged with concern so I gave him a reassuring smile to ease him. I stood up and slowly walked to the passenger’s side of the car and opened the door. The same moment Jessie came and dove into the back, fist pounding the air at Trent’s reaction.

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