Tom Riddle

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     I narrowed my eyes when I saw Tom Riddle sneaking around the castle, checking every few steps that no one was following him. I smirked and tiptoed after him, making sure to stay to the shadows. I watched him enter the girls' lavatory and heard him say something in parsletongue. I cursed when I heard things move and started running in the opposite direction, panting as I reached an empty corridor on the fourth floor and looked up at the wide empty wall. I put my wand away and reached behind my back, smiling when I felt the handle of the blade in my hands, appearing at my command.

I grabbed the Sword of Gryffindor tightly and touched it to the wall, a door presenting itself. With a quick glance to check no one saw, I entered the room. The door closed behind me and if you were standing outside of this room, all you would see was the empty wall. If you paid close attention, which no one at Hogwarts does, you would notice tiny lions engraved in the stones of this particular wall.

Salazar Slytherin wasn't the only founder to build a secret room for his Heirs. I looked up and grinned at the Heir of Hufflepuff and the Heir of Ravenclaw as they entered the room through their specific doors. Rowena's heir was wearing her ancestor's diadem and Helga's was holding the Cup.

"What are we doing here tonight, Y/L/N?" Thomas, Heir of Helga Hufflepuff, asked.

"I was just patrolling the halls. It's not safe." Eleanor, Heir of Rowena Ravenclaw, sighed.

"It's Tom Riddle." I told them and their eyes widened. "Tom Riddle's the Heir of Slytherin."

We all looked at the fourth side of the room, coated in dust and barely visible was a banner of Slytherin House. Our ancestors had hoped Salazar would change his mind and join them, no Slytherin Heir has ever stepped foot in this chamber.

"We have to stop him, before it's too late." Eleanor stated.

"It's only a matter of time before that monster of his kills someone." Thomas sighed, rubbing his forehead. "It's our job to protect them."

"Easy." I told them, making them stop their hurried actions. "We know now who the Heir is, we know where the opening to the chamber of secrets is but we can't enter it and we still don't know what kind of monster lives down there. We can't be unprepared."

"Fine. Tell us exactly what you saw and heard." Eleanor sat down and I recounted about the girls' lavatory and the parsletongue.

"So unless we find someone who can speak parsletongue, we can't get in to defeat the monster." Thomas sighed and I nodded.

"We have to wait until he lets it out again, there's no other way." I clenched my jaw and leaned back on the red sofa.

"How do we know when he's going to strike again?" Eleanor thought out loud, frowning up at the ceiling, an eagle drawn above her, as if it would somehow give her the answer.

"We keep our eyes on him." I shrugged.

"We're exhausted enough as it is." Thomas hissed. "I've barely had any sleep these past months."

"People could literally die." I told him, throwing a book at him. "Git."

"Whatever." Thomas muttered. "It's no good knowing when he's striking anyways when we have no way to defeat a monster we know nothing about."

"Hold on, we aren't completely clueless as to what it could be." I interrupted and they both looked at me.

"Right." Eleanor sighed, grabbing a piece of parchment. "Let's see. It's been living down there for centuries, not all animals can do that."

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