(Young) Sirius Black

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A/N BEFORE YOU READ: This is a story that's been in my head for a while now and I wasn't sure if this was the place to post it? I feel like it could be a properly written out fanfiction as well but I don't have the patience to do that right now and I also don't have the time lol. So keep that in mind when you notice the amount of pages this chapter has 🤣


"James, where did you put my broom?" I called out, my voice echoing throughout the house. I was about to go upstairs and demand my broom back when someone knocked on the front door.

"Sirius?" I frowned, looking at my brother's best friend. His eyes were swollen and red rimmed and he had his trunk with him.

"Hello, love." He attempted a smile.

"Who's at the door sweetheart?" Mum called and I heard her stop in her tracks behind me. "Sirius, come on in dear."

I opened the door a bit wider, helping Sirius drag his trunk inside. Sirius avoided my gaze as we followed my mum to the sitting room and I frowned again.

"Honey, why don't you go and tell James that Sirius is here? Take his trunk with you." Mum smiled at me and I heard the dismissal in her voice, she wanted to talk to Sirius before we started prying too much. I nodded, grabbing ahold of Sirius' trunk again and dragging it upstairs. I glanced back once and noticed mum wrapping her arms around Sirius while tears streamed down his face. I quickly looked away and hurried to James' room.

"Who was at the door?" James asked, catching the golden snitch and looking over at me. He frowned at the trunk and my own frown. "What's going on?" He asked, suddenly sitting up straight.

"Sirius is here. Mum's talking to him, she told me to bring up his trunk for him." I told James, his eyes meeting mine and I saw my own worries reflected in his. Had it gotten that bad at the Black residence? We'd known Sirius had a hard time there, that it was awful and his mother was a horrible woman. Yet he'd endured it all these years... what changed?

"Sirius is taking a shower before dinner." Mum and dad entered the room. "Do not bother him about why he's here, he will tell you when he is ready. All you need to know is that he's staying here."

"Mum, is he okay?" I asked quietly, James still sat frowning.

"He will be, sweetheart, he just needs some time and a real family." She smiled at me and I nodded.

"Don't worry, darling." Dad winked and for a second, the same mischief that was always glinting in James' eyes flickered in his and my cheeks heated. Surely dad wouldn't know...

"Right well, there's no need for us to be all gloomy then. Sirius was already like a brother anyways, it'll be great to have him here." James spoke up, suddenly cheery and I let out a breath. Like a brother... right.


"Dad, look at this!" I grinned, showing him some foreign potion textbooks and he marveled at them.

"Oh you have such beautiful sons!" The woman behind the counter beamed and I turned to see her looking from James and Sirius to mum. Sirius stiffened at the words, but mum merely smiled.

"I certainly do, I'm very proud of both of them." She grinned, placing a hand on their shoulders and squeezing lightly. Sirius lit up like a Christmas tree and I couldn't help but smile.

"You know, I quite agree with your choice." Dad's voice startled me and I jumped. His eyes met mine and the mischievous glint was there again as he let his eyes wander to Sirius and back to me. "Yes, I do believe it's an excellent choice." He winked and walked over to mum, leaving me alone with my embarrassment.

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