Draco Malfoy (Request 1)

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This one is based on a very specific request from @SpiderLion I tried to keep it as close to what you requested while still applying my own writing style 😅 I hope you enjoy!


"The Backstreet Boys are way better than NSYNC, Hermione!" I gasped, shaking my head at her.

"Absolutely not!" She exclaimed, frowning and Harry chuckled from somewhere behind us.

"What the bloody hell are they on about?" Ron muttered.

"They're boy bands." Harry explained.

"Boy what?" Ron asked, still confused and Hermione and I forgot about our argument, laughing at Ron's cluelessness.

"What are you two mudbloods laughing about?" Draco Malfoy sneered and I glared at him.

"Shove off, Malfoy." I gritted my teeth.

"How dare you talk to me, you filthy little-"

"Come up with better insults, will you?" I rolled my eyes and pulled Hermione with me, away from him.

"I'm telling you he's a deatheater." Harry stated when we reached the common room.

"Again, Harry?" Hermione sighed, shaking her head.

"Yeah mate, Malfoy's a twat but what would You-Know-Who want with someone like him?" Ron backed Hermione.

"His father's a deatheater and now he is too, it makes sense!" Harry exclaimed, looking to me for help.

"I don't know, Harry." I frowned. "D'you really think Dumbledore wouldn't know if one of his students had become a deatheater?"

"I-" Harry frowned. "Well, it's not like Dumbledore would tell us if he knew."

We dropped the subject after that, but my mind couldn't stop wandering to the way Draco Malfoy had been acting lately. Sure, he was still just as much of a bully as always, but he seemed different. Distracted. Tired. His sneers were always the same.


"Where's he going?" Harry muttered and I followed his gaze as Malfoy walked away from the quidditch pitch, two girls following him. "It's Gryffindor versus Slytherin, he wouldn't miss this."

"I'll follow him." I sighed and Harry looked down at me, surprised.

"You will?"

"Will it make you stop fuzzing all the time?" I questioned and Harry grimaced.

"Just make sure you find out where he disappears to, alright?" Harry handed me the Marauder's Map and I nodded.

"Good luck!" I called after him and he sent me a thumbs up, already being swallowed up by the crowd and I sighed, turning around and looking for Malfoy's platinum hair in the crowd.

It didn't take long to find him, he might as well have been wearing a big sign saying watch out, big bully coming through.

     I was careful when I followed him, those two girls still trailed after him, looking around anxiously and I started wondering who they were. I couldn't recall seeing them ever before, but they must be of some status or Malfoy wouldn't be hanging out with them.

     I glanced down at the map for one second, frowning when Malfoy's name suddenly disappeared, and looked back up to find Malfoy had actually vanished. The two girls were just standing there, jars of claws in their hands and I frowned. What the bloody hell was going on?

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