Draco Malfoy

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AUTHOR'S NOTE BEFORE READING: I'm trying to work with "Y/L/N" and "Y/N" because coming up with new last names each time is hard and it's kinda rude we're always using their first name yet they only ever use our last names 🤣 so yeah let me know if you like it better this way or if I should switch back to picking random last names and avoiding a first name lol.


  "You will stand up straight, shoulders back, chin high. You will speak only when spoken to. You will not look up at him. You will do whatever he asks of you without question. Do you understand?"

     "Yes, father." I replied.

     "Good. Now get dressed. He's expecting us."

     I flinched when my father threw the door shut behind him and let out a shaky breath before looking at the dress that had been laid out for this meeting.

     I flinched when my father threw the door shut behind him and let out a shaky breath before looking at the dress that had been laid out for this meeting

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Not giving myself a moment of hesitation, I instantly changed into the dress and went downstairs to face my father.

     "Good. Let's go." He nodded in approval and held his hand out towards me. I stepped forward and stopped in my tracks when I heard familiar cries.

     "I'm so sorry, my beautiful girl." Mum cried and I stiffened, willing myself not to look at her. If I did, I would lose all my nerve and everything I did would have been for nothing. My left arm felt a little heavier as I grabbed hold of my father's hand and he smirked in satisfaction. Let him think I was becoming the person he wanted me to be.

     I took a steadying step as we apparated to Malfoy Manor and I frowned when I looked at my father.

     "He's relocated." My father said in explanation and I nodded, carefully masking the emotions on my face until nothing was left.

     "Y/L/N, he's been waiting for you." Wormtail greeted me and my father nodded, with the thought of my mother in mind I followed Wormtail into the dining hall at the Manor. Draco Malfoy and his mother were already there, waiting and at the head of the table -

      "Ah, finally!" Voldemort smiled, opening his arms widely. "Welcome, welcome!"

     I dipped my head slightly, but didn't say anything. After all, he hasn't asked me anything.

     "How is my newest spy doing?" Voldemort asked, his voice dangerously soft as he circled around me. "Was your mission a success?"

     "Yes, my Lord. Harry Potter trusts me." I responded and Voldemort stopped walking. I stiffened when I felt his presence behind me and nearly jumped when he grabbed my left arm firmly and lifted it. I watched as he pulled the sleeve back, exposing my skin and the dark mark inked upon it.

     "You were worthy of this after all." Voldemort approved and dropped my arm. "You will need to use this trust again, for I have a little task for young Draco as well and Harry Potter cannot get in the way. Do you understand?"

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