Draco Malfoy

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"Nice save, Boot!" I grinned at Cho, watching the movements of Davies, Chambers and Bradley. Chambers and Bradley had only just been made chasers this year while I'd held the keeper position for three years in a row now and I wasn't about to lose it.

Davies beamed at me at the end of practice. I was exhausted, but I hadn't let a single quaffle through.

"Play like that on Saturday and it'll be an easy win, Boot." Davies grinned as we made our way back towards the castle.

"As long as I'm not thrown of my broom." I joked and Davies quickly covered up a concerned look, trying to mask it with a reassuring smile.

"They wouldn't-"

"Of course they would, we're playing against Slytherin." I interrupted him and he sighed, but nodded.

"You're right, they would. We'll be alright though. We've got some fine players." Davies' confident smile returned and I chuckled at him.

"You're looking a little pale, Boot. Should we reserve a bed for you in the Hospital Wing for Saturday?" Malfoy's voice sounded and I rolled my eyes, the same taunts as usual.

My eyes caught his as we pushed past the group of Slytherins to get to the marble staircase and to my surprise, I didn't find the usual disgust in his eyes. I didn't have time to question this odd fact because Davies pulled me along to make sure they couldn't corner me.

"You look exhausted." Terry whistled when I entered the common room.

"Thanks little brother, how very reassuring." I rolled my eyes, charming my broom up to my dorm.

"How often do I have to remind you that I was only born five minutes later than you?" Terry muttered and I grinned.

"Exactly, so you're still younger and therefore my little brother." I argued and he huffed, but dropped the subject.

"Did you finish your potions essay yet?" Terry asked me and I nodded.

"Yes, although now that I think of it, I might have forgotten some of the negative side effects of using moonstone." I muttered the last part to myself and hurried up the stairs to retrieve my essay that was due the next day and quickly scanned over it, relieved to find I hadn't forgotten anything.

"Nevermind! It's there!" I called down to Terry and heard him shout something along the lines of 'great' back. I shrugged out of my robes and put on my pyjamas, getting into bed with my ancient runes book to review some of the chapters we'd covered so far when Padma walked in.

"Boot." She grinned at me and I waved at her, trying to focus on the translation of some very similar runes.

"Put the book down for a second, will you?" Padma said urgently and I frowned at her, marking the page.

"Good. Have you heard yet?" She asked me and I shook my head at her.

"Heard what?"

"Well, the newest gossip is that Pansy Parkinson asked Draco Malfoy out and he didn't even let her finish asking the question, just straight up told her no. He didn't even give her a reason why." Padma, for some reason, sounded very excited about this news.

"I'm sure he had his reasons. Anyways, you shouldn't believe the gossip around here. Remember when the newest gossip was about you and Ernie Macmillan?" I chuckled and her face flushed red.

"I've told you a thousand times that never happened!" Padma exclaimed fiercely and I grinned, satisfied with her reaction.

"Exactly, but people still believed it, didn't they?" I grinned in victory and she sighed, knowing I had a great point.

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