George Weasley

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"Had a good summer?" Lee asked, a beaming smile on his face.

"Decent." I shrugged, unable not to smile back at him.

"Gomez, hey, come sit with us!" Angelina waved me over and I chuckled.

"I better go find the twins." Lee excused himself.

"Tell them I can't wait to find new and fresh hair colours for them." I winked and Lee laughed, waving me goodbye. I turned and went to sit with Angelina and Katie.

"What's going on between you and Lee?" Katie wiggled her eyebrows at me and I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"You know nothing is going on, never has been going on or will ever be going on. I've known Lee since we were both still in diapers. That's a huge turn off, I promise." Katie and Angelina laughed at my response and started chatting about the upcoming quidditch season.

Seventh year. I almost couldn't believe it. After this, we were finally done. We'd all go into different directions and start living our lives. It was absolutely crazy. I felt happy to finally begin that adventure, the big world, doing something I love for the rest of my life. I also felt kind of sad, having to leave Hogwarts behind. Hogwarts tended to feel more like home than home did most days and I was sure going to miss it. Besides, head girl? That was awesome.

"You guys, I really should go to the prefects compartment. I'm supposed to give them their time tables and give them some kind of speech." I sighed and got up again, pinning my badge to my robes.

"Alright head girl, go get them." Angelina grinned and Katie cheered. I knew that as soon as I closed that carriage door behind me, they'd be in full quidditch mode again.

     I was late to my own meeting, but it worked out because it was my own meeting. I grinned at Ron and Hermione and tried not to look too disgusted at Malfoy and Pansy's presences. I handed out the time tables for patrols along with a list to remind them what was to be expected of them and what was within their power.

     "I hope you've all had a great summer, welcome back to those who've been prefect for a while. Go ahead and start your patrols. Fifth years, hang on." I watched the older students disappear through the door and turned back to the fifth years in the carriage. "You are new to this, I've made that list to remind and help you in case you need it. I expect all of you to wear that badge proudly and none of you to abuse the extra privileges and power you've been given." I looked at each of them sternly, even Malfoy seemed intimidated. "Good. Now go on for your patrols."

I walked through the aisle and occasionally peered into some of the carriages, making sure everyone was behaving themselves.

"Gomez." I nearly jumped when Weasley called my name and I turned around to glare at him, finding him leaning against the door to his carriage already smirking down at me.

"Weasley." I nodded, biting my lip in an attempt to hide a smile when I noticed a speck of blue in his fiery ginger hair.

"Head girl? Never thought you had it in you." Weasley laughed and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Never knew you could think, Weasley. You should try it more often." I shot back and within seconds, both of us started laughing, unable to keep up the act of dislike.

"I thought I gave you the spell to get rid of the dye?" I asked him, pointing at the blue in his hair and he grinned.

"Indeed you did-" George was cut off by his twin brother, who stuck his head out of their compartment, making George nearly fall on his face.

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