Zacharias Smith

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"You're a coward. You always were and you always will be." I snapped, my voice sharp and my eyes surely portraying the rage I felt. "Get the hell out of my shop and don't ever show your face here again."

People were staring, but somehow I couldn't bring myself to care anymore. How dare he? How dare he come into my shop and demand my help? If he had stayed when we needed him the most two years ago, maybe my brother would not be dead. Maybe, I wouldn't have had to go to his funeral and continuously look into his twin's face and see the constant, lingering pain.

"Please." Zacharias Smith muttered, pleading. "I need you, Weasley, you're the only one who understands."

"Oh, I stopped understanding you the day you left me and my family to die." He cringed at my words and guilt took over his features. "Get. Out."

Zacharias looked away and, shoulders hanging low, left the building without another word. I clenched my jaw at the sight and people began murmuring.

"The shop's closed for today. Come back tomorrow." I told them and they hastily left, not wanting to get yelled at. I sighed and locked the door behind them, making sure everything was safe and locked up, wards in place, before apparating to mum and dad's.

"Who's got your panties in a twist?" My twin snickered, earning a slap to the back of his head from his girlfriend, Hermione Granger.

"What's wrong?" Hermione frowned and I willed myself to let go of my anger and explain calmly.

"Smith stopped by my shop today." And at those words, everyone in the house froze. It seemed like even the ghoul in the attic was silent for once.

"Are you alright?" Hermione was the first to speak up and I sent her a soft smile. Ron didn't deserve her, he was a real git.

"Dandy." I sighed and went to help mum in the kitchen. She looked me over silently, but smiled warmly and decided not to continue on the subject. I was grateful for it.

Everyone came over for dinner, even Bill and Fleur were here, which was a rare occasion but I'd missed my oldest brother loads and was glad to see his face again.

After dinner, I found myself wandering to Fred and George's old bedroom. The times I'd come here to ask Fred for advice or just to talk were countless. I hadn't realised I was staring at the closed door until it was opened and George appeared, smiling at me but it didn't reach his eyes. It never did anymore.

"Hello sister, what can I do for you?" George tried to be pleasant, I couldn't even imagine the pain he must be in.

"I didn't-" I stuttered, shaking my head. "I'm sorry." I started to walk back down towards mine and Ginny's room, but George stopped me.

"I know you came to him for advice, to talk." George's voice was soft. "I can't understand why you'd go to him." He chuckled softly. "But I know and I know you miss him terribly, I do too."

"I didn't want to-" I muttered, tears threatening to spill.

"I know you didn't want to bring it up, you didn't." George smiled. "How about you come talk to me? I know it's not the same but-"

"It's perfect." I stopped him, smiling at my older brother before he started doubting himself again. "Thank you, George."

I followed him inside their old bedroom, my heart aching when I noticed he hadn't changed a thing. Fred's stuff was still where it had always been and I could vibrantly imagine him sitting on his bed next to the window, grinning up at me and telling me to stop worrying already, that everything would work out just fine. I'd ask him how he could be so certain and he'd tell me that that was a secret for another day. I never got to know what it was.

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