Chapter Nineteen

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What a shame, that people go through so much trauma at such a young age. Who decided that these kids deserved to be hurt like this? The harsh reality is that some of these kids never get help and they are taken by the cold clutches of the world.

Quinn couldn't believe what she had saw. The face of her brother stabbing a spear through Gabriella. A frozen look of fear on her face. No! This couldn't happen! There was no way she died!

"NO!" Quinn screams, her throat rasping as she feels tears start to pour down. She continues to scream no until her throat gave up on her.

She felt anger course through her as she felt a white flame flicker through her body before she closed her eyes and opened them again. Now she could feel something against her back, she reached towards it and was met with soft feathers. Wings...huh.

She then looked back towards Wynn and walks towards him as she grabs him easily by the collar, his eyes widening in fear.

"Wynn! Why?! WHY DID YOU KILL HER!" She didn't wait for an answer as she throws him easily against a tree, she heard a sharp snap and realized he wouldn't be getting up anytime soon. She then turned her attention to Gabriella.

Her heart was pounding in her chest, she couldn't die on her. She loved her for God's sake! She couldn't leave her!

She held her into her arms. Gabriella's last bit of strength allowed for her to smile at her. A smile she didnt deserve. A smile she wish she had saved. A smile she wished she could keep forever. A smile that wouldn't just disappear.

"Gaby...please, please...I....I can't, please don't die, please...," Tears sobbed down her face causing them to drip on her face. Quinn couldn't ser due to the many tears the blurred her vision.

Gabriella gently cupped her cheek as she says, " Trey," Her hand then fell back down to her chest as she turned cold and her head rolled back against her arm going limp.

Quinn let out a sob as she held Gabriella closer. She wasn't dead, she refused. She couldn't die, she...she didn't even get the chance to tell her she loved her.

Quinn held her for a bit until she laid Gabriella down gently against the ground. She wiped away the tears from her eyes and focused her attention back on Wynn.

Was this pathetic thing suppose to be her brother? How dare he! He killed her, he murdered her lover! She rushed towards him, her wings propelling her quickly forward before she was met with a spread of wings.

"I'm sorry my dear, but I can't let you kill him, we made a deal," That sickening voice, that disgusting voice she wished that would just go away.

She growled before grabbing the spear that had pierced through Gabriella and shoves it straight towards Janus. He didn't dodge, perhaps he thought that this spear couldn't do anything, but it did.

It sailed straight through him, in the same quick motion that had killed Gabriella, he gurgled out blood from his mouth. The golden liquid staining the spear. Covering the red blood of her beloved Gaby.

She twisted it, as if it simply going through him wasnt good enough.

He gurgled more blood from his mouth as he takes hold of the spear and pulls it out of him. A sharp gasp causing him to shrivel in pain. "I-I forgot you were a powerful semi-angel, h-ha...that...that really...fuck. I-I can't die here, if I die then you'll kill Wynn, he's...he's mine!" He shifted back into his disgusting natural form.

His long fingers wrapped around Wynn's broken body holding him close. A bright light blinds Quinn and the two disappear. She felt her anger rise as she slams her hand against the tree. It cause a huge dent into the tree.

Suddenly, Quinn gasp in pain as she falls down to the ground. Her hands...they had turned a violent purple color. She looked back towards Gabriella, hoping that this was all a dream. This had to be a dream....she...she wasn't dead. However Quinn knew she was dead.

Quinn let out more tears, they poured and poured for what felt like hours. Her strength eventually gave up on her as she fell down more causing her to land on her hands.

A gentle hand was placed on her back, "Quinn...I'm so sorry," it was Sabrina's voice, but it was shaky, sounding like she had been crying as well.

Quinn turned to look at her before whimpering and bringing Sabrina into a tight hug. She couldn't look anyone in the eyes. She had caused Gabriella's death. She was a monster, just like all those people had told her, those school kids who had told her she was a monster for having no soul. She hated it.

"Quinn...W-we loved her too, p-please let us grieve with you," Sabrina was choking up. Her normally calm and sassy attitude replaced with sadness.

Quinn nods as she stands up and wiped her tears as she walks towards her group. She had now only realized her wings had disappeared. And that sudden power she felt was gone as well.

She didn't want to believe she was dead. She had survived this long. She had to be alive.


After what felt like a day, they made it deeper into Limbo mountain. Things had changed in the group once Gabriella had died. Quinn had taken up a leadership roll and was promising herself she wouldn't let anyone else die.

Sabrina stood by her side as the co-leader. She knew a lot about the Abyss, but didn't have the charisma to be leader.

Penelope was still the tracker and scout. However she seemed less touchy and affectionate then she used to be.

Tree was hit pretty hard, being younger than everyone and watching someone die was never easy. They probably bad never seen anyone die in front of them.

Noah...noah was sad, he didnt seem like it however and now he was now taking part of the group more. Using his werewolf sense more to smell for his beloved mate.

Lilith was trying their best to calm Tree down. Their words doing so very little to help them calm down though. 

To be honest, Quinn wasn't doing well inside, it had only been a day and she already felt like she was useless. She had flashback of feeling her warm body fall lifeless in her hands. Why couldn't she heal her? 

She had healed her before, but why couldn't she have done it there? No magical tears that sprung her back to life? She just wanted Gabriella back, that's all she wanted right now.

They then landed down deep into the ridge of this mountain, Penelope had told them this where she had smelled Trey and his smell was still here.

Quinn hopped off quickly as she brought out the spear she had been using to attack Janus. The same spear that had taken the love of her life. She'd keep it for vengeance.

Penelope shifted back into her human form before walking towards Quinn as she says, "Want me to scout ahead?"

"Take someone with you," Quinn says quickly, "Like Sabrina,"

Penelope nods as she goes towards Sabrina and asks her to come with her.

Quinn nervously watches her go. She glances down toward the spear, why had her brother killed Gabriella?

She grips it tighter as she watches the others walking towards them as she sat down and laid against a tree.

After what was about three hours,  Penelope came back, "The angels have a small camp, I saw Trey. There are about three of them,"

Quinn frowns, "How are we going to fight three Angel's?"

Sabrina frowns as she says, "Hopefully whoever your angel part is, is more controlling than these losers,"

Quinn nods as she says, "Let's come up with a plan before we attack them, I don't want any else dying,"

There was rustling in the woods before the group turned to face them. Quinn's eyes widened in surprise.


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