Chapter Eight

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Power, Money, Greed, and Pride things that can describe a tyrant. The ones who see their people in pain and agony and do nothing for it. They just watch as they only worry for their own people and take pleasure in watching their minorities suffer.

They will take everything they want and leave you with nothing, but pain and suffering. If you are lucky enough to live in their rule, then you will one day face the consequences of being different.

Noah's eyes widened as he retracted and began to frantically glance around, "No! They can't take me, I didn't do anything!" His voice was frantic and in fear he looks towards Trey.

"I won't let them," Trey says as he rushes over towards Noah and brings him into a hug, "I won't let them hurt you, I promise," He lightly placed a kiss to Noah's cheek.

"Where are they?" Sabrina asks as she stands up and heads over towards Tree, "Are they here?"

"Yes, their outside, I-I they...I don't want to talk to them," Tree's voice was shaky and Quinn felt fear prick her mind as she realized that once they found her they'd kill her. It was a certainty wasn't it? She was an illegal semi-angel.

Penelope began to look towards everyone before she headed over towards Tree and brought them into a hug. They also planted a kiss on their cheek.

Gabriella stood as she said, "I'll talk to them," Her hands were shaking softly, but her face held stern as she looked towards Noah and Trey and then back towards Quinn.

"What! I'm not letting you talk to them alone," Quinn's voice had found herself. If these angels were as vile as they said, she did not want Gabriella talking to them.

"And your gonna talk to them? I can't allow that, your not even suppose to be here," Gabriella sighs as she grabs Quinn's hands and softly frowns, "I'm a least of an angels concern,"

Quinn frowns as she says, "What if they hurt you?"

"I won't let them," Gabriella says a smile crossing her face as she lets go of Quinn's hand and heads towards the exit of the room.

Quinn tries to stand, but her strength still wasn't recovered and she cursed herself for allowing Gabriella to just leave like that. What if she got hurt? She wouldn't be able to forgive herself.

"Noah, you need to hide, Quinn you too, follow me," Sabrina says as she helps Quinn up and begins to walk towards a wall. She mutters something before she pushed Noah and Quinn through.

Quinn blinked as a bright sun filled her eyes and she realized she was back in the city, she glanced behind her to try and head back in, but she wasn't able to. Had she seriously just left them there alone to die? No! She needed to get back into the Abyss!

Quinn narrowed her eyes as she cursed, "Are you shitting me? I'm not letting them die for me!" She punched the wall and winced when nothing happened.

Noah lightly touched her shoulder and said, "Quinn, we can't do anything, that was a one way exit from the Abyss,"

"Why would they do that!" Quinn asks as she looks towards Noah, "What if they get hurt? I don't want them to get hurt," She felt tears prick her eyes as she slide down the wall and pulled her knees towards her chest. Her body was aching in pain, but she ignored it.

"They are tougher than they appear, besides Penny is stronger than she may appear," Noah says a reassuring smile crossing his face, "Dragons are really powerful,"

"What about Gabriella? Will she be okay?" Quinn asks as she looks towards Noah. His eyes were full of concern and there was no way he could hide it from his face.

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