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||A/N : May trigger some LGBT+ members, so be careful when reading this chapter||

Their head can be filled to the brim with thoughts of hatred, self doubt, and guilt. They looked in the mirror and watch this unfamiliar person staring back at them. Their curly long hair drove them insane and they hate the way their body looked.

They frowned as they heard their grandparents arguing over how they were their sweet little granddaughter and not some vile creature. They frowned again as they looked back in the mirror. Their eyes were a green color, but their head held no cat ears.

They walked downstairs to see their grandfather watching them. He always looked at them with such a face of hate and disgust. Disappointed in their actions most likely. However they felt at peace when they weren't forced to wear a dress or play with girl toys only.

They were only sixteen after all and they felt like they would just run away if anything truly bad happened to them. However they couldn't bare to leave their only family.

"There she is. Terra, you need to stop pretending your something your not," His words hurt, but it wasn't the first time they heard them.

They frowned as they glanced towards their grandmother was was also giving that silent, but very obvious look of approval towards his grandfathers words.

"I'm not pretending, this is who I am," Their words came out weak, but they were true words.

"Your parents would never approve of this," Their grandmother said.

Their eyes widened as they said, "My parents? I didn't even get to know my parents. They left me on the streets of Venice like I was some kind of pet that they didn't want, so forgive me if their not my main source of getting approval," Their eyes narrowed as they rushed past them and out the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Their grandparents voice called, they simply ignored them and continued to wherever their body led them.

What did they know anyways. They always had peace and luxury in knowing what they were and what their genders were.

Their entire life was filled of being confused about what they felt and who they were. It was awful and all they wanted to do was live a normal life.

They continued walking down the streets of this Italian town, they weren't sure where they were going, but they were just gonna keep on walking until they felt it was alright to head back. They had brought their bag along and inside existed two bottles of alcohol.

They hadn't noticed they had walked into the forest and glanced around as they felt lost and confused. Where in the world were they. They took out a bottle and took a gulp of the drink feeling awful and disastrous. This was the only way they managed their emotions, in a stupid and self-destructive way.

They noticed movement in a nearby bush and found a cat. They frowned as they called it towards them, but the cat simply stood still and watched them. They were a bit confused when it suddenly walked towards them and laid in their lap. Maybe it could sense their agony, but who knows what animals actually think.

They felt something surge through their body as their eyes widened and they screamed out in pain. The pain suddenly stopped as they noticed that they weren't in control of their body anymore. It was terrifying and they couldn't move even a single inch of their body.

"It's been a while since I've captured a human body and used it to cause some chaos," This wasn't their voice, this voice sounded deeper and more chaotic then their usual voice.

"Now, Human what is the name of you?" The unfamiliar voice asked and they felt themselves realize that their old name could never fit how they felt.

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