Chapter Three

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A/N: Warnings: Blood, death, nation names

After they calmed down from their laugh attack, Alfred went to go hunting. He may be half fish but he can still eat fish. It's like frogs eating smaller frogs. You get it.

Arthur looked up at the sky. The sky. One of the things Arthur now loved. He never really payed attention to the sky when he was younger, always looking down around him. But now that he had met Alfred, he was looking at the sky and how beautiful the sky was.

The sky and ocean were like Alfred. Carefree, open, beautiful. While he was the ground. Changing, down to earth, not as open or carefree as the sky. But yet, those two different things, blended together to make earth, the horizon.

When had Arthur started to think like this? When he met Alfred. That merman made his life 10x better. He couldn't help yearn for home though. Had his brothers noticed his disappearance? Did they even care? Arthur sighed at these negative thoughts crowding his head.

'Of course they wouldn't notice. They barely noticed when I was younger.' Arthur sat up and looked around him.


The ocean was a big place wasn't it? Alfred could go anywhere he wanted. See different animals, and see a whole other world different from humans. Arthur found land boring now. Land was already explored and inhabited by humans. But the ocean wasn't. There was so much to see, so much to do.

Arthur looked at the rock next to him.
'Did Alfred have anymore family members?' He didn't see and parents around. Alfred's parents should be alive if he's around his early twenties. Maybe their dead?

Arthur found himself splashed with water again and looked down to see a smirking Alfred.

"You bloody git! Why is it always water? A nice slap on the shoulder would've been nice!" Arthur yelled at the bobbing form in the water.

"As I said before, shock is more effective for waking up. So cold water + a dazed English man with big eyebrows = wake." Alfred smirked.

"You are unbelievable." Arthur facepalmed.

"I know, and that's why I'm awesome!"

Arthur shook his head and water was sent flying in different directions. Soon it was back to its semi-fluffy state.

Arthur felt some plop in his lap. It smelled quite fishy. He looked down and he saw a fish with half of it bitten off like in those cartoons.

"I already had my share, you can have the rest." Alfred said wiggling a pointed ear.

Arthur got out a stick and lighter and started roasting the fish while Alfred looked on with big curious eyes.

"Why do humans roast fish?" Alfred asked.

Arthur bit into the fish. "We can't eat things raw like mermaids since we can get diseases and die. So we roast things to get rid of the bacteria."

"Wow! Mermaids must have a stronger immune system than humans then." He said rolling around in the water.

Arthur bit the fish and looked down at  Alfred. "You know, you remind a bit like a dolphin."

Alfred tilted his head. "Hm? Why?"

"Well for starters, you are quite sociable, you talk alot and do a lot of tricks. Even if they fail most of the time." Arthur chuckled.

Alfred thought for bit before speaking again. "You remind me of seaweed."

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