Chapter Two

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A/N: You ever realize that I have a strange obsession with ukus?

Last Chapter:

"As I asked before, do you wanna see my home?" Alfred looked at the brit in the boat.

"But how would I be able to breathe underwater?" Arthur asked.

"I am a merman y'know, which means I am a mythical creature soo..." Alfred reached up and pulled the surprised brit down and kissed him lightly on the lips before taking his hand and diving underwater.

The surprised British man felt himself being dragged into water. He felt the cold liquid all around him but strangely he felt..calm. He heard the swish of Alfred's tail around him as he was being dragged. He peeped open an eye and saw life all around them.

From the smallest of fish, to the colorful coral and plants. He thought the water was going to be dark and murky with barely any life. It took his breath away. Literally. He felt himself losing air as he tried to swim to the surface but he felt a weight pull him back down.

"You know you can breath underwater now right?" Alfred's voice filled Arthur's ears.

Arthur looked at the mermaid(merman!) In surprise.

"Lemme explain. You see I kissed you and such and since I'm a mythical creature technically I have some sort of magical ability. That ability is the mermaid's kiss which can temporarily either make people mermaid's or give them gills for them to breathe underwater. You never know. Oh and by the way I temporarily made ya a mermaid."

Arthur looked behind him to see a blue, white, and red tail where his legs should be. Arthur felt gills on his neck. He timidly moved his tail.

They weaved around rocks and such until they came to a cave.

"Ah, cave sweet cave!"

The cave was filled with nothing but darkness. There was some shells and colored rocks on the sidelines that gave it a crab type of feeling. Inside had some seaweed hanging in front of the entrance and flat rocks were leading them to the entrance.

It was impressive but he was not that impressed.

"So what do ya think?" Alfred smiled at him. His eyes seemed to glow more in the dimmed lighting.

"Oh I like it very much love, I love the um..shells decorating the sidelines." Arthur lied flicking a now pointed ear.

"Woah really? Thanks dude!" Alfred glomped him.

"Ack! Don't choke me you git!" Arthur struggled to get out of Alfred's hold.

"Don't die dude." Alfred said letting go of Arthur as the brit took a dramatic breath in.

"Once you're done not dying follow me." Alfred smiled at Arthur. Arthur glared at Alfred and followed the mermaid(merman!) Into the cave.

It lightly glowed a mix of blue and red, making Arthur curious as to what caused the mystical light.

"Here's the inside of the cave! Oh and that light?" He pointed up to a hole covered by scales.
"Those are some of me and Mattie's shedded scales. They kinda turn opaque when shedded."

"Hmm..fascinating..." Arthur said, swishing his tail lightly. Suddenly a knock echoed from the outside.

"Oh! That might be Kiku. He's the only one the knocks. Stay here for a sec." Alfred swam away and Arthur could only faintly make out the voices. Something alone the lines of human and friend. Suddenly he heard the swishing of water and Alfred appeared with a young man.

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