Kacey walked her over to the exit letting her get down "Just meow or something and we'll open the door" Kacey said before shutting the door behind Sierra

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Kacey walked her over to the exit letting her get down "Just meow or something and we'll open the door" Kacey said before shutting the door behind Sierra.

With no time to waste Sierra began making her way down the corridor everything seemed much brighter than she would have thought.... right, night vision. She made her way out of the castle as fast as her four paws would take her, it took her a little getting used to, she had never been... well anything but human before. She ran through the dewy grass making her way to the hut. 

Draco was already there trying to get something to prop himself up on the window, that was one stupid way to get caught, Sierra entered the hut, Hagrid looked at her for a second but didn't say anything, it probably wasn't unusual for animals to just walk in. She sat down on the corner trying to act as cat like as possible, which really involved doing nothing right?

"Snape is trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone!" Harry exclaimed.

"You three shouldn't know about that.... but Snape wouldn't do that, he's one of the wizards protecting it.... I shouldn't have said that" Hagrid replied as he shuffled away to the fire taking a giant golden egg out. 

Sierra stared in amusement and curiosity at the object. Harry, Ron and Hermione circled around the egg. 

"Uh Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Harry asked looking up at Hagrid

"That? That is uh its um..." Hagrid furrowed his brows almost like he didn't know.

"I know what that is!" Ron exclaimed then looked at Hagrid with confusion "Hagrid? How did you get one?" 

"I won it! Off a stranger I met in the pub! Seemed quite glad to get rid of it as a matter of fact" Hagrid looked dow at the egg that was moving. 

The egg began to violently shake and they all took a step back, out of no where it exploded sending parts of the shell flying across the room. One of the pieces landing very close to her.  Looking back at the table she could see a glimpse of green on top. 

"Is that....a dragon?" Hermione asked looking around. 

A dragon? Sierra thought to herself, wondering if the muggle version of a dragon would be the same of the wizarding world.

"Thats not just a dragon, thats a Norwegian Ridgeback!" Ron said looking at the creature with awe. "My brother Charlie works with them in Romania"

"Isn't he beautiful? Oh blessed look he knows who his mum is" Hagrid said with a loving tone towards the creature. Sierra had seen Hagrid once or twice before but never talked to him, she was definitely not expecting such a loving demeanor from the big man. "Hello Norbert" He cooed

"Norbert?" Harry asked looking at Hagrid doubtfully, which Sierra had to agree that was a pretty stupid name for a dragon. 

"Well yeah he's got to have a name don't he?" Hagrid chuckled playing around with the baby dragon which returned the favor by spitting fire at him. He patted his beard trying to get the fire to be put out. "He'll need to be trained up a bit of course" Hagrid said laughing as he extinguished the flame in his beard.  Hagrid proceeded to squint up at the window "Who is that?"

Sierra's eyes darted towards the window seeing Malfoy sprint off .... that fool, Sierra made her way back to the cabin exiting out of an open window. Sprinting after Malfoy she tried her best not to trip and keep her distance. Rushing into the building she slipped on the tile floor, she wasn't expecting the texture change to be that bad, how did animals go around without falling everywhere?

Following Draco's footsteps she ended up in Professor McGonagall's office. She had never been there before, so she took a quick glance around before hiding under a chair. 

"Professor, I was on my way to the common room when I saw three figures walking towards the Forbidden Forest! I went to try and tell them to come back, when I finally got close enough they were with Hagrid, he had a dragon and it nearly killed him!" Draco said giving McGonagall an innocent look. 

A bit over dramatic... but believable 

"Mr. Malfoy these accusations are serious are you sure thats what you saw?" McGonagall asked the boy which he simply just nodded to her question. 

They began to make their way out of the office, Sierra followed behind, keeping her distance. Although students did have cats, she wasn't sure if Malfoy had a registered pet. If he did then there would be questions as to why a random cat was following him around. They didn't even make it out the building without running into the trio.

"Good evening" McGonagall said looking at the three of them disapprovingly. Taking the four of them back to her office Sierra went back under the chair. 

"Nothing, I repeat! Nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefor as a punishment for your actions fifty points will be taken" McGonagall said staring at the three. 

"Fifty?!" Harry exclaimed in shock. 

"Each" McGonagall said sternly. "And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all four of you will receive detention."

Draco's smirk disappeared from his face quickly walking over to the desk "Professor, perhaps I heard you wrong, I thought you said the four of us?" He asked looking at her innocently.

Told him so. Sierra thought keeping an eye on the interaction.

"No you heard me correctly Mr. Malfoy, you see honorable as your intentions were you too were out of bed after hours, you will join your classmates in detention tomorrow. Now all of you back to your dorms" McGonagall said dismissing them. 

She walked behind Malfoy he was rather quiet. "Detention, and fifty points from Slytherin!" He exclaimed as he quickened his speed. Oh she was not going to let him live that one down. 

"My father is going to kill me" He said more quietly his voice shaking a little.

Was he scared of his father? She observed him from the distance, it seemed like he was fighting back tears, she had never seen him so... vulnerable. And the only reason she was probably seeing him like this was because he didn't even know she was there. When Draco opened the door to the common room she darted in behind him. 

Draco looked over at the three girls sitting on the couch. "What are you three doing here still? Where is Barrows?" He asked curiously looking around. 

"Behind you" Kacey said pointing at the cat sitting by him. 

Draco looked back confused, then finally looked down making eye contact with her. His face was hard to read, it was a mix of shock, anger, and panic. 

The second year stood up approaching Sierra and flicking her wand whispering revelio. Sierra turned back into a human shaking some fur off her robe. "Well what happened?" The second year asked. 

"Well they are looking for the stone that is guarded by a three headed dog, and turns out Snape is guarding it. Oh and Hagrid has a dragon! " She said then looked over at Draco who was just staring at her looking like he was about to bolt. "Draco came up with a pretty clever plan and told McGonagall, now Gryffindor is down one hundred and fifty points" She said smiling over at Draco for a second, was she protecting him? Well she wouldn't call it that, she just felt bad. She wasn't expecting him to be that worried about it, so she took pity on him.

Draco was out of words as one of the second years high-fived him. He just nodded and went along to what was said. After chatting for a second they all went back to their bedrooms to rest for the next day. 

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