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I woke up...which surprised me since I clearly remembering dying...I opened my eyes and glance around. Where am I? I thought before I noticed another person was close to me and asleep. I looked over and noticed it was a skeleton.

Wait...what... I thought confused and stared at the baby skeleton. I heard a chuckle, "looks like you already like your brother, don't you lavender?" I heard before I was picked up. I looked up and noticed it was a gaster. But I didn't recognize what kind of gaster since he had flowers on him. I blinked at him, staring curiously at the flowers. "Hm? You like the flowers?" Gaster said smiling down at me.

I looked at him again, wondering what kind of au or an original is this. I thought tilting my head at him. "Ah I wonder if your hungry or just want your older brother thistle?" He said and I blinked. Thistle? I thought, Is that the baby skeleton I just saw a few moments ago before gaster picked me up? I heard crying, "oh I'm coming thistle!" Gaster said moving and picking up the baby skeleton. The baby skeleton stopped crying when we looked at each other. "I'm glad the both of you seem to like each other." Gaster said smiling at us. I gave them a smile, my now older brother copies me.

Gaster let out an awe at the sight of his two kids smiling. He adores them both, he can't wait to teach them things when they are older. He thought happily staring at his two wonderful kids. He never thought he would have twins but here they are, in his arms smiling. He smiled down at the two in his arms, he doesn't regret having these two...he wonders if he should have another one when they are older so they can have a younger sibling to play with? He wondered and let out a hum.

Catching the babybones attention. They stared up at their father with curious eyes lights. Gaster looks back down at the two, "you both are adorable..I don't regret having the both of let's see, it should be around time for the both of you to eat.." Gaster said using his magic hands to grand somethings to make for the two babybones.

He started humming, after a while he finished and the older one started whining. "Hold on little one, here you two go." Gaster said and started feeding them both. He started humming a song as they both ate. I blinked, eating and staring at my father in surprise. He was singing baby mine... how does he know that song? I don't know, I wonder if we are in a different multiverse or if someone was reincarnated as a gaster with flowers. I listened to the song, I finished eating. My eyes felt heavy, I look towards my twin, watching as he slowly fall asleep. I smiled again, letting myself fall asleep, listening to our father song.

Gaster continues to sing despite knowing that his kids fell asleep. He carefully took a picture with a summoned hand. He smiles, he's going to have to use some of his magic to put a protective field around them. It will still protect them even if he's long gone.

He hopes he's not leaving them anytime soon...he thought as he sat down on the couch. He slowly and carefully lays down. He let himself slowly fall asleep, smiling as he did so. The next time gaster woke up was to lavender staring at him while thistle was still asleep. He saw lavender smile at him and he smiled back.

He youngest is so adorable, he thought happily. They are both so precious to him. He wouldn't know what to do if someone ever attempted to hurt them, or actually managed to kill them...he will probably... rampage... he wouldn't hesitate to kill any who are a threat to his kids, if it was just towards him, he wouldn't care but to his kids? Yeah he will try and kill them if that's the case. Lavender started to babbling at him, awe so adorable gaster thought yet again. "You both are so adorable...I love you kids..." Gaster said. Then it sounded like lavender tried mimicking his tone of voice and what he said. Omg gaster thought staring wide eyes at his youngest.

I tried mimicking him on the I love you part. I think I succeeded when I saw him stare down at me with wide eyes. How skeleton monsters can do that? I don't know. I thought staring up at him curiously. I felt my brothers magic shift, looks like thistle is going to be awake soon enough if not right now. I thought and looked at my brother who was starting to stir.

I saw him blink a few times before looking around. He saw me and our eyes meet. He smiled at me, I smiled back at him. I felt happy, I never expected to be a younger brother since In my last life I was the middle kid. Both a younger and older sibling, I was the fourth oldest out of six. I tried my best, but I wasn't too close to my siblings like I am with my cousins.

That was probably because I didn't live with my younger siblings after our mom died. I stayed with my aunt on my dads side. Sigh but I'm not one of the oldest anymore, I don't mind, but I get to be myself without putting my younger siblings first, at least for now. I'll always have others before myself, I also get to allow myself to be a bit selfish, at least for a little while. Then I'll be back to myself, I just want to act a bit selfish for just a little while. I thought hugging my brother to myself. That means I spend as much time with my family before I try putting themselves before myself own well being. I thought smiling at my older brother. I heard a click and I looked to my dad to see him holding a camera.

I blinked at him. "You both are so adorable..I can't wait until your older." Dad said picking us up. "Time to get you something to eat." Dad said and headed to the kitchen.  

He made us some food, I still something know what it is but I think it has some kind of magic but I don't know what kind of magic. I think it might be dads magic? Like milk but with dads magic? I don't know I'll just ignore I for now I thought eating. My brother ate too. Well it's time to sleep I thought yawning. I let myself fall asleep, gaster watched his kids as they are.

Lavender falling asleep soon after he finished eating. Thistle was still wide awake, staring at his brother. Gaster went and sat on the couch, dying to rock thistle to sleep. "Come on thistle, you should be asleep now. Lavender is already asleep so you should try to sleep now to." Gaster said. It took about a good thirty minutes or so before thistle even started getting tired. It took another ten minutes before thistle even let himself fall asleep. I guess thistle is already trying to protect his brother. Thought Gaster. He guesses he will have to train them when they are older do they can protect each other and themselves when they need to. Gaster decided. He moved until he was in the twins room, he slowly put them down on their bed, tucking them in a little bit before he left the room and went to work.

I finished with 1301 words! Yay! First time about nature. Yes I used the name lavender, thistle, and poppy from fatal error part 5. But I'm not sure the exact relationship ship thistle is so I made them twins. I don't care it thistle is from naturefell or something, they are twins in this story. Well hope you like and comment what you think. Ja ne~!

Naturetale : reborn as lavender Where stories live. Discover now