The next day

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Lavender woke up feeling pretty excited for no reason at all. Which had him a bit confused but he shrugged it off and got up, getting ready for the day.

He headed out after he had been ready, he wanted to talk to his family for a bit, lavender decided happily making his way down to the kitchen now where he knows poppy will be at.

"Morning poppy!" Lavender said smiling as his younger brother turned back to him with his own smile.

"Morning lav!" Poppy said and went back to making breakfast happily and lavender joined in.

They finished making breakfast just in time for the other papyrus's and swap sans to get to the kitchen. Lavender thinks it still surprises them because poppy and lavender do get up even earlier then the other papyrus's and swap sans.

Razz rolled his eye sockets and started doing his usual routine with blackberry.

Edge frowned briefly and set the table since he hasn't been able to get up before poppy and lavender just yet.

Cream looked at them and just smiled, he wants to help make breakfast too but he needs to get up a bit more early...

"Poppy! Lavender! You should have woke us up, we would like to help make breakfast too!" Blue said cheerfully but a little bit stern.

"It's ok blue, you don't have to, I like making breakfast." Poppy said and lavender gave poppy a look which had poppy shrug his shoulders.

Though after breakfast was done and over with, lavender left the house with fatal. Happily exploring the surrounding areas, curious to see what kind of plants and trees that he would see.

Lavender started to hum a bit as he explored more parts that he wasn't able to before fatal showed up. Now he can happily explore with his best friend!

Overall today was a good day so far, lavender thought and skipped a little bit as he continued to walk. Though his attention was caught by a flower store and he perked up, heading right into the store with delight.

He saw so many different flowers and was smiling happily as he looked at them all with fatal bugs his side.

He started explaining more on the meanings/symbols  and all that to fatal once more, especially when he saw flowers he hasn't talked about to fatal. He hasn't even covered part of all the flowers and nature in the world and doubts he will be able to, but that doesn't stop him from talking about his favorite things in the whole world! Well besides his family and friends  of course.

His eye lights turn to stares as he thought of one of the jade vines, ohh he should tell his friend what he knows about them!

"Have I told you about the jade vines yet fatal?" Lavender asked fatal with a cheerful look as fatal shook his head.

"No." Fatal responded to lavenders question.

Lavender smiled, "well a jade vines reveal the hope of loving, everlasting marriage. It's local name is Tayabak." Lavender told fatal who nodded and continued to listen as lavender went to the next flower and their meanings.

"So white orchids symbolize innocence and purity, along with elegance and reverence. Pink orchids symbolize femininity, grace, and joy. While orange orchids symbolize friendships and new beginnings." Lavender said , buying quite a few orange orchids and a few people were listening to lavender as he talked about flowers and their meanings/symbolized.

"Wow you sure know your flowers and their meanings." Someone said, catching lavender and fatale attention.

They turned to look who it was and blinked, oh it was ink.

Lavender thought as he blinked a few times, surprised to see him but also not really since there was a lot of color here but he didn't think he would see ink here.

"Oh uh yeah I do, I know a lot about flowers and the meanings they hold." Lavender told ink who nodded, looking a bit curious.

Fatal looks somewhat on edge but made no move to attack ink or anything.

Or he was twitching? Lavender doesn't really know but shrugged it off.

Ink blinked a few times, "cool! Do any of them mean creativity or something about art?"

Ink looked curiously at lavender to see his response.

Lavender blinked again at that, oh he knows one at the top of his head! He knows there is another one but he will tell ink after he talks about the other one.

"Well there is the marigolds, they symbolize passion and creativity." Lavender responded and inks when lights changed and he looks delighted a bit.

"Ohhh really? Are there any other flowers that hold the meaning with creativity or with art?"ink asked still very curious.

"Well there is also amaryllis flowers, they symbolize hard won success, particularly in artist endeavors. Giving an artist a bunch of those flowers is said to encourage both their creative muse, their achievements, and strength in the arts." Lavender stated before he retold what he told to fatal about the dahlia.

"Now the Dahlia flower, they symbolize elegance, inner strength, change, creativity, and dignity. Most of the many symbolize dahlia may be positive, but there are still some negative ones as well. Like betrayal, dishonesty, and instability." Lavender told ink who frowned at the last part.

"And that's all I can think of up on the spot, if I have more time to think about it, I may find more flowers that hold the meaning your looking for. So did you want to buy a flower or something?" Lavender asked ink who smiled again.

"Yeah! Where can I getting the marigolds?" Ink asked and lavender nodded and started walking around the flower shop with ink and fatal following him.

Lavender looked around for a few minutes before smiling and gently grabbing a few marigolds and showing them to ink.

"These are the marigold flowers. Here I'll buy them for you." Lavender told ink who blinked with surprise as lavender went to the front and paid for them before handing them to ink who gave him a smiel.

"Thanks! I owe you!" Ink said, walking outside and wrote a note to himself that he owes lavender just in case he forgot.

Lavender smiled and walked outside with fatal and they headed home cheerfully.

He has to make some flower crowns out of the orange orchids. He thought because he wanted to give them to a few of the others.

Lavender hummed as he headed inside to get started.

Finally finished with 1165 words! Hope you like and comment what you think.

Give me ideas!

Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans/classic, papyrus/cream
Underswap, blue, stretch.
Swapfell-blackberry and gold
Fellswap-razz and slim
Outertale-outer and star
Mafiatale-bones and guns
Dreamtale-dream and nightmare
Ink and error
Horrortale-sugar and axe
Underfell-red and edge
Naturetale, gaster/aster, poppy, lavender, thistle
Fatal error
Flowerfell, sans/ primrose, papyrus/fell
Reapertale, reaper/sans, papyrus/grim
Aftertale, sans/Geno
Killertale, Killer/sans
Dusttale, dust/sans


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