Dangerous planst and trees

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Lavender was currently talking to fatal and error on what plants and trees to avoid at all cost.

Mostly the dangerous ones that can harm or even kill you, "so the the manchineel tree, it is one of the worlds most poisonous trees ever. Don't ever touch or even eat anything from that tree. Just a small bite  cause boils to form in your mouth and throat. Swallowing it can kill you." Lavender stated and they nodded while some fo the other sans were listening in with shock that some parts of nature can really kill you.

"Now about the cerbera odollam, it's seed has been used in more suicide and murder than any other plants. It contains a toxic called cerberin. It can disrupt the function of your heart muscles and can be fatal if enough cerberin is ingested. It can also be disguised in food very easily so be careful what you eat if given food by someone who hates you or something." Lavender continued talking.

"The symptoms are a burning sensations in the mouth, vomiting, headache, irregular heartbeat, and respiration. It can lead to a coma or even death."

"Now the bunya pine, it's not the most poisonous one, but the super sized cones can be fatal when dropping, especially since it drops every few years and it weights up to 40 pounds each, it's mostly fatal to unsuspecting people who were just walking near it or something."

"Now we have the Conium machulatum (Hemlock), it was widely used in Ancient Greece as a means of execution and suicide. Ingesting even a small amounts of coniine, the plants potent toxin, will cause ascending muscular paralysis. The paralysis could eventually reach the respiratory muscles and result in death." Lavender told them and it appears like all those who were listening in were either taking notes or committing it to memory. (It is also a noxious weed in 12 U.S. states, including Oregon, and Washington, well at least that's what it says in google)

"Next we have the Sandbox tree (Hura Crepitans), it's sap is poisonous and cause nasty rashes. When the fruit of the sandbox matures, it explodes, sending seeds in all direct rooms at upwards of 160 miles per hour."

"Now that is just some of the dangerous trees and planet, there are more that I'll get to tell you later, but for right now make sure to stay away from certain areas around the world. Or just make sure to stay around here and all. At least you should know that here is more of a safe spot." Lavender told them and they nodded at that.

Then lavender walks away, leaving the others to think about what lavender just told them and to process that.

Well looks like there's more to this world then some of them thought...

And finished with 544 words.
Sorry it's short but I wanted to do this chapter, I got it from google so if you want to, you can look up some of them that I just mentioned/told you now.

But I have no ideas for right now so be patient. I wanted a chapter on this and I did so, if anyone wants me to have lavender tell more about certain trees or planets, comment and I'll do when a bit later on after some more chapters ok?

Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans/classic, papyrus/cream
Underswap, blue, stretch.
Swapfell-blackberry and gold
Fellswap-razz and slim
Outertale-outer and star
Mafiatale-bones and guns
Dreamtale-dream and nightmare
Ink and error
Horrortale-sugar and axe
Underfell-red and edge
Naturetale, gaster/aster, poppy, lavender, thistle
Fatal error
Flowerfell, sans/ primrose, papyrus/fell
Reapertale, reaper/sans, papyrus/grim
Aftertale, sans/Geno
Killertale, Killer/sans
Dusttale, dust/sans


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