Seeds and someone is rude

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Lavender hummed a bit as he looked through some seeds in a flower shop as he planned to grow some more flowers, this time the non deadly versions as he had been growing the poisonous ones, it has the tendency to grow both types, mostly because he just likes to...and as precaution.

Lavender smiled a bit, cheerful, maybe some sunflowers, poppy, and cosmos seeds?

Oh they would be such lovely flowers too! And the poppy flowers would go great on some graves because they were a symbol of remembering of the dead solders...and peace to death, and even sleep.

Though they do have different meanings in different areas...But they would be good flowers to put on some graves when they were fully grown.

Lavender thought to himself, grab a small pack of poppy, sunflower, and cosmos seeds.

Lavender joyfully hummed before pausing as he hears someone yelling at someone.

Lavender turned and headed in the direction, wanting to help with whatever was happening, a concerned look flashing across his face.

Lavender turned a corner and blinked, someone woman was yelling at...dust...?

Wait when did he appear in this au..? Lavender looked a bit puzzled before shaking his head and headed over, "is something the matter?"

"Yes! Something's the matter! This monster touched me!" The woman hissed out, looking pissed and dust just looked annoyed, "are shoulders barely even pumped each other."

The woman's face flushed red with rage, one hand pointing to the other, "you fucking monster..."

Lavender frowned, "that's not very nice..."

The woman turned her head and recoiled away, "another fucking monster!?"

Lavender frowned, a stern look crossing his face, "look I know that's what our race is called, but you're kinda using it offensively."

The woman scoffed, muttering under her breath about how they should all just die and other things.

Lavender narrowed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, calming himself and putting on a smile, dust shot lavender a puzzled look at the change of personality.

Lavender leaned over a bit, "so you know how many plants are poisonous?"

The woman blinked, a startled expression crossing her face, "w..what?"

Lavender gave her a gently smile, "there's over 700 poisonous plants in the world, and that's just about the ones people know about."

The woman looked confused, staring wide eyes at lavender while dust's eye sockets widen.

"Some of them don't have a taste, or they don't taste that bad and can easily be slipped into some drink or even food." Lavender titled his head as the woman paled.

Dust gave lavender a startled look, he's definitely not going to underestimate this skeleton..he hasn't met the other yet, but he only arrived today with the rest of the group...

The woman turned and hurried away with a frightened look on her face.

Lavender relaxed his shoulders, he didn't like being so..mean to someone, but it was fine to scare someone away, especially someone as rude as that woman.

Lavender turned to look at dust, a concerned look on his face, "are you alright?"

Dust just stared for a few seconds, blinking a few times as he relaxed, "..yeah..I'm fine...thanks for your help..."

Dust mumbled and teleported away.

Lavender just relaxed and headed towards the front desk to pay for the seeds he wanted to grow this time, then he turned and left the shop and headed home happily.

Lavender checked his phone, oh, it seemed he missed a few messages..he checked what was sent, blinking, ah, seems like the machine went off again...

That explains dust then, lavender thought to himself, a small smile on his face, he wonders who else appeared.

Oh! He can give them some flowers to welcome them! Lavender thought happily as he bounced a bit as he continued to walk back home.

He wasn't going to teleport all time, walking was good for him! And he got to enjoy some nature while he was at it!

And visit some areas as well. Today was just a mostly alright day! Besides having to scare the lady away.

He felt sad about it and that he should have done better and not scare her...but it was too late for that.

Maybe he can send some apology flowers at some point if he sees her again?

He just felt bad about scaring her so badly...he hid a wince at the thought of her terrified expression.

Even though she had been so mean and rude, he probably shouldn't have scared her...oh well...

Lavender headed home happily while carrying his new patch of seeds, he's going to love growing them!

He grew a sunflower before, and somehow it got a whole lot bigger than his old classmates sunflowers did and unfortunately it broke on was a sad day in his past least he got to take it home though!

Lavender hummed a bit as he just walked...

Finished with 908 words! I'm so sorry this took me so long! 😭 I just had major writers block on this.

I hope you enjoy the update and comment what you think.

And yep, dust is not going to underestimate lavender, lol.

Ja ne~!

Ink, fresh, error
Undertale, sans/classic, papyrus/cream
Underswap, blue, stretch.
Swapfell-blackberry and gold
Fellswap-razz and slim
Outertale-outer and star
Mafiatale-bones and guns
Dreamtale-dream and nightmare
Horrortale-sugar and axe
Underfell-red and edge
Naturetale, gaster/aster, poppy, lavender, thistle
Fatal error
Flowerfell, sans/ primrose, papyrus/fell
Reapertale, reaper/sans, papyrus/grim
Aftertale, sans/Geno
Killertale, Killer/sans
Dusttale, dust/sans
Xtale, sans/cross
Epic tale, sans/epic, papyrus/titan

And yeah the part about him growing a sunflower that broke on him, from me. I did grow one when I was in first grade and it broke on me, it somehow grew a whole lot bigger then everyone else's for some reason, well bigger then the others who did sunflowers. Some of the others did a different flower and I was pretty upset that it broke on me...

I decided to include that part in. :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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