Both men fell to the ground with thuds and loud whimpers- one rolling around and trying to clear up his vision, while the other desperately tried to suck in a breath.

Yoongi watched them with harsh pants falling from his lips and eyes narrowing into a glare, "Is that all?" Yoongi pushed out a scoff in between harsh breaths. He slowly turned around and eyed the men littering the floor. Some were standing off to the side and rethinking their choices as they stared at the unconscious and fallen men. A hint of fear touched their features, while others were consumed by blood-thirst, which led to them leaping up to their feet and dashing towards Yoongi.

The look on Yoongi's face blanked out and he easily deflected the blow by allowing the fist to slam against his palm. The guy pushed his full body weight onto Yoongi and used his other hand to deliver a blow against Yoongi's exposed ribs. Yoongi hissed at the rush of pain shooting through his side, only to twist the guy's hand around a second later and slide his legs underneath the man's.

The man slammed into the ground, yet his hand stayed locked in Yoongi's, which led to another loud crack to fill the air as his shoulder got dislocated. Yoongi harshly threw the hand away and prepared to grab another guy that was slowly raising from the ground, only for a loud shout to cut through the air,

"That's enough!"

Yoongi's brows furrowed, creating a create between them, and his head swung around in the direction of the voice. The emotion on his face washed away in the blink of an eye and he straightened out as he took in the sight in front of him. An inmate with raven black hair, that was shaved into a buzz cut, and a small piercing in his top lip, stood behind Jimin. A sharp knife was pushed against Jimin's throat, yet despite the danger he was in, Jimin had the audacity to roll his eyes and scoff.

"Seriously? Is this really necessary?" Jimin grumbled- his voice light and dripping with irritation. He placed a hand on his waist and jutted out his hip, completely ignoring the sharp blade digging into his skin.

"Shut up!" The smaller and obviously younger boy behind Jimin hissed under his breath. His eyes bounced back to Yoongi, who raised an amused brow and took a small step towards them, only for the younger ravenette to gulp and jump back, "Stand back! I have your whore!" He exclaimed through quivering lips and wide eyes.

"Excuse y-"

"Is that so?" Yoongi huffed out a small chuckle as he took another step forward as if to test the waters. And when the boy jerked back and accidentally sliced the knife against Jimin's throat- creating a shallow and small cut, Yoongi immediately froze and allowed his cocky smirk to crumble.

"I think that's enough, kid, put down the knife and get out of here." Yoongi grumbled, placing his hands behind his back and connecting them. His eyes monetarily connected with the ones of Jimin, but slid back to the younger boy a second later.

The young ravenette shook his head and glanced around- taking in the red tinted hallway and the beaten men, "No." he hissed, tightening his grip on the knife and digging it deeper into Jimin's milky skin.

The look on Jimin's face hardened as he felt a droplet of blood roll down the length of his throat, "Okay, that's enough." Jimin spat and grabbed onto the boy's wrist. He pushed the hand away from his throat and reeled back his elbow before slamming it into the boy's face. The grip on the knife fell off, allowing Jimin to spin around and plunge the knife into the boy's throat.

The boy's eyes widened and breath got knocked out of his lungs. His hands flew up to pull out the knife and Jimin watched as the tip of the knife appeared on the other side of his throat before sliding out. The knife fell to the ground with a clutter, followed by gurgles coming from the boy. Blood leaked out of the wound on his throat and his bloody hands reached out to latch onto Jimin, but the lavender haired angel merely brushed him away and stepped back.

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