"Can you go get some medicine for me? A headache's staring up." Hoseok nods and leaves the room. Some employees are still packing up, chattering softly together. Taehyung turns in his spinning chair so that he's facing the window. He closes his eyes.

"Chairman Kim?" Taehyung opens his eyes and turns around to face the owner of the voice. Despite the throbbing in his head, he offers a kind smile. "Do you need something, Hei Ryung?"

Hei Ryung's eyes widen and she smiles back. "Nothing. I was just checking on you. You look kind of pale."

"Secretary Jung's getting me some medicine. You-" Taehyung was cut-off before he could finish.

"I can get you some warm lemon water. They help when I get headaches," Hei Ryung says eagerly.

Taehyung's taken aback. "That sounds nice but if it's too much of a hassle-" Hei Ryung smiles widely and zooms out the room before Taehyung could say anything else.

Shortly after, Hei Ryung comes in with hot water and lemon slices. "This isn't just good for headaches. It's good for your health as well," she tells him as she gives him a cup.

"Ah? Thank you," Taehyung takes a sip. To his surprise, it's kind of sweet. He takes another sip, enjoying the sweetness.

"Looks like you enjoy the honey," Hei Ryung smiles at him. "I wasn't sure if you would like it to be sweet but, I took a chance."

"I prefer sweetness over bitterness any day," Taehyung says like a kid.

Hei Ryung giggles at this as Taehyung continues drinking the warm lemon water. Taehyung glances at the door. When was Hoseok coming back? His headache's tone down but not completely gone.

"I'm glad you like the sweetness. I like sweetness too." Hei Ryung leans closer, leaning her head on her hand. She tilts her head and smiles at Taehyung. "You know what else is sweet?"

Taehyung is kind of confused as to where this conversation is going. Hoseok should be arriving soon. "Chocolate?" He answers, his confusion showing through.

Hei Ryung laughs. "Nope." She bops a finger on his nose. "You," she chirps. Him? He's sweet? How? Oh. Taehyung's eyes widen as he realizes what Hei Ryung's doing.

"Chairman Kim." Taehyung looks up, feeling relieved. Hoseok comes to his side, a small paper bag in hands. "Hei Ryung, shouldn't you be helping your team right now?"

"But, Chairman Kim . ." Hei Ryung looks over to Taehyung as if asking him to let her stay.

"Thanks for the drink," he smiles a little. She looks like she wants to say more but stands up and bows.

"Hope you feel better soon," she smiles at him before turning and making her way to the door.

Once out of the meeting room, Hoseok turns to him. "Looks like someone has an admirer," Hoseok wiggles his brows.

Taehyung sighs, "I don't understand. Why would she like me? I'm nothing like V."

"That's why she likes you," Hoseok pulls out the bottle of Advil. He pours Taehyung a cup of water with no lemon. "She was quiet and shy around V." Hoseok hands him the cup of water and the pills.

That's hard to believe for Hei Ryung has always chatter a lot around him and with him. "Well, V already has Seokjin." Taehyung takes the pills and gulps down a large amount of water.

"Yeah, but what about you?" Hoseok asks him with a smile. "You should get someone too."

Taehyung puts down the cup, forcing a smile. "I'm going to take a short nap. Wake me up in twenty minutes."

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