Chapter 22: Push and Pull

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You took a deep breath as you slowly pushed the door open. You stepped in the Rubens room. Looking up, you saw George standing at the very end of the room, facing the window. Softly clearing your throat, you spoke, "George, you called...?"

He turned to face you. "(Y/n)." The corners of his lips tugged upwards.

"Is there a problem?" you asked, giving him a smile back. Sound left the room for a moment. You were secretly nervous, but you had no intention of showing any sign of weakness. "George...?"

He slowly walked towards the table, and took a seat in one of the chairs. "Please take a seat, (Y/n)."

Although you were hesitant, you still sat on the chair diagonally across him. You kept silent and waited for him to continue. Possibilities flooded your mind, your heart racing faster as they add up in number.

"Aurelia told me you had insisted on leaving... and that you even tried to bribed her into taking you out of castle premises."

You stared at him, stunned. So that's what it's about? You felt a slightly boiling anger rise up from within you. It was uncontainable, but you were willing to discuss the matter calmly if George was willing to listen. "That's not true," you answered, letting him know your side before you elaborated. "Her Grace, the Duchess was the one who insisted. She invited me, and told me that she could convince you."

George chuckled before you were even done, which caught you by surprise. "But you still went with it, didn't you?"

You sat still for a few seconds. It was true. You found the offer to be inviting. However, you still believed it wasn't your fault. "I did," you confidently stated, looking at George dead in the eyes. "Please do listen to me, Your Majesty, and don't interrupt. Her Grace had been so kind to offer to take me out of the castle, yes. Despite my reasoning with the fact that you forbid me from ever leaving, she had insisted and reassured me that nothing will happen. I believe that asking nicely for permission isn't a problem, no? Because I believed that's what she meant to do. And yes, George, I do want to leave. I You cannot cut off my connections with other people for your own sake."

"I can."

His simple statement awakened the anger you felt more and more, but you waited for what he had to say.

A sinister smile made its way onto his face. His teeth were made visible as it spread across his cheeks. "Of course, I can, my dearest (Y/n)..." he declared, slowly standing up and glooming over you.

Frightened, you scooted away from him.

He slowly made his way to the back of your chair, his fingers caressing the ears of the chair. The tips slowly tapped on the elaborate baroque scrolls that surrounded the red upholstery. "You may have forgotten why I took you here in the first place... and why you agreed..."

In a moment, all those memories came flooding back into your head. That's right. You were just someone who was forced into a prison because your captor had murdered one of your friends, and took the other one as a hostage. Your eyebrows knitted in the middle as you clenched your jaw. You immediately shot up your seat and spun around to face George.

"How many times are you going to do this?" you asked in a firm tone. You demanded an answer. "How many times are you going to take control over me and play with my emotions, and then say sorry when my emotions become an inconvenience for your hankering?"

For a moment, his eyes were flooded with rage, but he only pursed his lips and shook his head. He smiled, the creepy aura that surrounded him dispersing as he did so. "(Y/n), my love... you're making it look like I'm the bad guy over here. You're hurting me."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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