Chapter 2: Error

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Great Britain, 2017

"Good Morning, uncle." You greeted, stepping down from the rickety stairs of the basement, with a tray of sandwiches in hand.

"Oh, (Y/n), you're here!"

"Yes, I brought some sandwiches for you. I figured you'd be hungry after working on your latest invention. What are you working on anyway?"

"Oh, this?" He points at the large machine in front of you. "This is a time machine. You can travel to any time you want even if it's up to 500,000 BCE."

"That's very interesting. Is it done?" you asked, intrigued.

"Well, no," your uncle answered which disappointed you a little. "There are still some corruptions and errors I need to fix. If I fire it up now, the subject may get stuck in the year given."

"I see. I'll leave you so you can concentrate then."

You leave the basement and went upstairs to the living room. You saw your cousin, lying carefree on the couch, her eyes stuck to her phone.

"Mornin' Thalia." you greeted.

She looked up with a glare and scowled at you. You sighed. Your cousin has always been the meanest. Though, you treated her with kindness, she still did not have a change in personality. You sat across from her, trying not to start a fight. Since you moved here, she has been treating you like a worthless person. She said that you were stealing her parents from her, getting all the attention, getting all the love. It isn't true. Your uncle has loved her with all his heart. Sometimes, you see them doing bonding activities which made you wish you had your parents back.

Brushing your thoughts away, you grab a book from under the coffee table. It turned out to be a history book. History has always been interesting for you. It shows how people used to live, and how things were in the past. The greatest part about history is that people used to care so much for their country. They'd risk their life to guarantee freedom for the next generations. People now seemed careless and ignorant of their surroundings. It's nice how you can imagine that you were there with those people. Although, history held war between countries which disappointed you a little. Many people wouldn't have died if there was none.. but it was for freedom.

"Hey, Loser! Are you deaf?!" your cousin shouted, shattering your thoughts. "Dad called you many times already!"

"Why?" you asked calmly.

"Who cares?! Just go!"

You stood up and went back to the basement. "You called for me, uncle?"

"Ah, yes. The time machine is stable," your uncle stated. "I just need someone to test it. That would be you, (Y/n)."

"M-me?! It's a great privilege but what will happen if I can't go back anymore?!"

"It's safe. I fixed everything. Now, just stand there." he said while pointing the room inside the machine.

"O-okay, uncle."

You walk inside the machine and the door closes behind you. You were getting nervous every press of a button that your uncle made.

"(Y/n), I am sending you to 1776." he explained.

Your uncle pulls a lever and the machine started to shake.

"Initializing year.. 1776." it spoke.

"It's working!" your uncle shouted excitedly while clapping his hands, amazed.

"Error! Error! Error!"

The machine started glowing red and you both became worried. Your uncle frantically looked around and his toolbox. He then threw it on the machine. You started hitting the door repeatedly in fear. If you were going to die, then at least you'll be with your parents again, at least you'll be able to tell them that you love them on the other side.

"Uncle! Uncle, let me out! Now! You said it wouldn't go wrong!" you shouted. Yes, it would be great to see and be with your parents again but you still wanted to live. "Please, not like this!"

"There must've been a problem with the program."


"Sending subject to 1760.." the machine spoke.

"What?! I thought you were sending me to 1776?!"

"I was!"

You started feeling dizzy and your consciousness started fading. You heard your uncle shouting your name and pressing every button he could.. and everything went black. You felt like you were falling into a dark abyss.

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