Chapter 1: If

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France, 2001

-pitter patter-pitter patter-

Gloomy clouds covered the once beautiful and bright sky. Lightning striked the ground with a loud thunder. It was raining outside and you couldn't do anything but watch as the rain drops hit the glass pane. You gripped the windowsill tightly. Lightning and thunderstorms always scared you as a kid but you try to overcome it.

You took away your eyes from the outside and sat down on a chair facing the desk. You picked up the notebook laying on the side. You flip it open and grab your fountain pen.

"Dear Diary,
There is a storm occuring outside. I don't really like how storms are always gloomy and sad. Though, I have to be brave for my own sake. Other people experienced heavier burdens than me, especially those that lived in the past. Wars, duels, I wish those gone. If I could only go back in time, I'd change history. I'd prevent war and other things as such. Of course, people would think that I wouldn't be able to because of my age.. but I believe that anyone can make a change, big or small."

You closed the diary as you heard the door creaked open. You see your mom standing at the doorway, with her beautiful, warm smile. "Hey, Mom!"

"Hey, darling! What's that?" she asked, pointing at your diary.

"Oh, nothing!" you replied as you hid the diary beneath the desk.

"Oh, come on.. what are you hiding from us?"

"Mom, it's a diary. I can't tell you what's written there!"

"Alright, darling. But mom and dad has a surprise for you!"

"Really?! What is it?" you asked, leaping out of your chair with a great amount of excitement and curiosity.

"It's a surprise! I can't just tell you what it is. Come down stairs with me, I'll show you."

Your mom led you down stairs, in which you enthusiastically followed behind. Your dad greeted the two of you with a smile. "So, what's the surprise?" you asked them.

"(Y/n), ma chérie.. we're moving to New York!" your dad announced while holding 3 passports. (Translation: my sweetheart/darling [meant in a fatherly way])

"What? Really?!"


"I..I can't believe it! Thanks Mom and Dad!" you exclaimed. You ran to hug them and they welcome you with adoration. It was the best surprise ever, for you, at least.

"Well, (Y/n). Time for bed."

"Okay, dad!"

You greet your parents goodnight as you went upstairs and settled in your bed. You feel like you can't sleep because of the excitement that ran through your veins. It was like an adrenaline rush. You eventually stayed up until 12:00 where you soon felt sleepy. Your eyes felt heavier than ever. You plomp your head on the pillow which caused you to close your eyes fully.

Suddenly, an ear-piercing, painful scream filled your ears. Your eyes shot open and you frantically looked around your surroundings. You climb out of bed with caution and fear as your foot pressed against the cold, lifeless floor. It made you shiver down to your spine. Sweat droplets started to form on your hairline. You went downstairs carefully. Something was off, everything seemed silent.

"Mom..? Dad..?"

All you saw was darkness.You quickly looked for a light switch. Finally, you felt it with your sweating palms. Flicking it up, you look at the living room and a horrid sight greeted your very eyes.

Tears started flowing down your cheeks as you saw your parents lying cold on the floor, lifeless. They were soaked into pools of their own blood. The red liquid, splattered everywhere. The sight was too horrible for a child like you. A sick feeling rose up from your stomach, making you want to barf.

The police soon arrived. They found you lying next to your dead parents, hugging them tightly, never wanting to let go. They had to pry you off. You were traumatized.

"Did you find any information about the child?" the chief officer asked in an earnest tone. The fellow officer bit his lip nervously.

"Yes, sir. Her closest relative is her uncle living in Great Britain."

"Then, we'll have to send her there."

The officer comes towards your crying figure. You rocked yourself back and forth, telling yourself to calm down.

"Hey, shh, it's going to be fine." he said, trying to comfort you.

You looked at him with glassy eyes. "Is it..?" you asked

Your words left the officer in silence. He hung his head low, unable to find his words. He knew to himself that it's not fine, nothing is fine. He wrapped his arm around you in a fatherly way. You burst into another set of tears and hug back. What was a child to do in this situation?

But you.. you did not want their pity. You just wanted their support. Something that can help you rise up again when you are knocked down. Concerns and sympathy will just knock you down again because it reminds you of the day that.. you lost everything.

No matter how many times you looked at the past, nothing changes. You were still that damaged, broken mess. "If I could only go back in time, I'd change history." You whispered into the officer's ear. You shut your eyes close, causing a few, warm tears to fall down. Yes, it was childish, but you were weak.. helpless.. desperate..

"Everything happens for a reason, child."

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