Chapter 7: Love Problems

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Great Britain, 1761

"Dear Uncle,

I'd like to tell you that I am alive and well after you accidentally sent me to 1760. I do hope this letter will find its way into your hands. So much has happened lately the past few months (or years), and still I wonder if you are finding out a way to get me back. Though life in the past has been really fun, I would still love to return home.

Sincerely, (Y/n)"

You sign the bottom of the paper with your own signature. You put down the quill and close the ink container. You read the letter again before folding it neatly.

It's been weeks after the lunch you had with George. You felt sorrow, remorse but most of all love. Yes, you still haven’t gotten over with your feelings for him, but you did the right thing. Well, you believe that you did the right thing.

You sighed while putting the letter inside an envelope. "This should do it," you said to yourself. "Hopefully, this will survive 256 years later. I do hope so.. So much can happen between 1760 and 2017. The paper could get ripped, or lost,"

You sighed and rose up from your seat. You needed to inquire Corrianne about where she and her older brother saw you. You knocked on her door and waited for a reply. She took a few moments to answer. She was probably hesitating. Corrianne didn't want her brother to coming into her room. You didn't know why but she said that it was for personal reasons.

"C-come in!" you hear her say from behind the door. You open it slowly and looked at her with a smile. You saw her sitting beside the windowsill, doing some needlework. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw you. "(Y/n).. it's just you. I thought it was my brother. Come, sit with me," she said as she patted a seat across from her. You obeyed and looked at her. She seemed sad about something.

"Is there something wrong, Corrianne?" you ask her, concerned. She was like a little sister to you and you were like a big sister to her. She looked down at the bustling city below. A tear fell down her cheek.

"It's just.." she started. "(Y/n), the reason that I haven't wanted my brother to come into my room is because I... I've met someone. H-he's a really nice guy! Believe me, but.. there's just one tiny problem,"

Then, she suddenly bursted into tears, leaning her forehead on the heel of her hand. She kept sobbing with eyes closed. You hugged her. It felt like it was the only thing you could do. Eventually she hugged back. Your clothes were soaked with her tears but that was the least of your concerns. She pulled back, wiping away a few tears.

"Thanks, (Y/n). You're a really good friend," she said. "Anyways, he's a nice guy. He's sweet, loving and caring.. but he's not one with wealth. You see, growing up in a rich and well known family such as ours means that we have to marry rich too. I just can't believe that they made it a rule. All my life, my brother kept lecturing me about marriage. I didn't want to marry for money, I want to marry for love!"

She’s having trouble because of a stupid rule while I’m having trouble because of a taboo. Same thing but mine is worse. History depends on me now.

Corrianne really had strong opinions on things, like her brother. Nonetheless, Corrianne tends to be more understanding than him. She respects her brother's perspective even though it was against hers. Still, you also did not understand why rich families should marry rich too.

"I'm sure he's a nice guy.. when did you meet?" you inquired her.

She flashes a broad smile at you despite of her tears that kept dripping from her eyelids. She clasps both of your hands. "We met down town a couple of months ago," she explained with love struck eyes. I was in a french cafe.."


"The usual espresso, Miss Olivier?"

"Yes. Thank you," Corrianne responded as the waiter smiled. The waiter went back behind the counter and fiddled with the supplies. Corrianne brought out her book. It was her personal favorite.

The waiter soon came back with the espresso. Before he could lay the cup on the table, a man accidentally bumped him. The coffee spilled on to Corrianne's dress. The cloth was soaked with the hot beverage, making the Olivier hiss in pain. The waiter gasped with widened eyes and frantically went back to the counter, looking for a napkin. He soon came back with at least three.

"I am terribly sorry, miss," the man told the young woman lightly. He then turned to the waiter. "Please get this lady another espresso. I'll pay for it," he ordered. The man certainly knew how to pay for his mistakes. The waiter nodded with a smile and left.

"Sir, there is no need," Corrianne said. The man just chuckled lightly. "It was an accident, I understand. Thank you though,"

"It is the least I could do. What's your name, miss?"

"Corrianne Olivier, and yours?"

"Gabriel Mackintosh,"

The waiter came back with a bill and a cup of espresso. Gabriel took the bill gladly and inserted a few cash inside. The waiter took the bill back and went to serve other customers. 

"I do hope we see each other again, Gabriel. May I see you here again tomorrow?" Corrianne asked, hope in her eyes. Gabriel looked down sadly. 

"Corrianne, I am afraid that I won't be here tomorrow. I only came here to meet with a friend. I'm not one for cafes. I'm just an ordinary man," he said with a melancholic face. "I'm not rich like other people are."

"Gabriel," Corrianne called which made the man look up. "I want you to be here tomorrow, even if you're not rich. I would love to get to know you better."

".. and since then, we met at that cafe every weekend," Corrianne said, ending the story. 

"That sounds like it came from a cliche romance book," you commented which made the Olivier giggle lightly. "I wish the best for the two of you.. but you still have to tell your brother."

"I know," Corrianne replied as she looked down the bustling streets again. "Thanks, (Y/n)."

"No problem. Anyways, Corrianne, I was wondering which tree I fell from when you found me," you said. She looked at you with confusion. 

"You're the one who has climbed up there, are you not?" she asked. You froze a bit. "Classic, forgetful, (Y/n). Come, I'll show you,"

Corrianne took you to the tree where you fell. She left you to meet with Gabriel in the near french cafe. You looked at the tree. It can be destroyed, it can be burnt, it can be buried. You tie the letter onto a branch with hope and worry. You gave it one last smile before leaving. 


====[Author's Note]====
Psycho: I am so sorry that I haven't updated for 2 months! Please forgive me >.< I often update this on another website and I keep forgetting about my wattpad accound. Sorry!

Anyways, thank you for all the support in this story! Gracias :D. I try my best to reply to all the comments out there but I often get lazy, like really really lazy. Sorry about that haha. I'll still try my best to reply to all though.

That's all. Thanks! 

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