Chapter 6: Lunch Date

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Great Britain, 1760

It has been a month since the autumn ball. The Oliviers offered you a place to stay in their mansion. Of course, having no other choice, you gladly accepted the offer, telling them that you weren't really staying that long. You and George kept sending each other letters. Others? Ha, too personal. But in the end of November, the letters stopped arriving. This made you very concerned and lonely. What could've happened to him?

You grabbed the recent letters dropped on the floor by the mailman. You observed each one of them, hoping for a letter from the castle. Suddenly, one single phrase caught your attention. You excitedly opened the letter and read the message written inside.

"My dearest, (Y/n),
I am inviting you to the castle early for lunch. I am deeply sorry that I stopped sending you letters. I had important matters to attend to in Edinburgh but I am glad to be finally back. I believe we have a lot to catch up on. I do hope you come.
Yours truly, George"

Wait, 'My dearest, (Y/n)?' Your face immediately reddened and your cheeks began to feel warm. 'My dearest' was only used to address a loved one, a partner rather. Maybe it was just made a mistake? Though, you couldn't stop thinking that he intended the phrase.

You didn't notice that you've been smiling the whole time you were reading that letter. You two really had a lot to catch up on. You can't wait to hear about his "important matters" in Edinburgh. He always had a habit of talking about his experiences on being king and such.

Despite the well and happy life that you've been living in this time, you can't help but think about your uncle and his daughter. Are they missing you? Are they finding a way to get you back? You sighed. If only there was a way to reach them..

Hold that thought. There may be a way since you are at the past. If you can only write a letter and hide it where your uncle's house is, they should be get the message in 2017. Where did you land? The park, beside that tree, that's the basement, that's where you should hide the letter.

"(Y/n)?" you hear someone ask, shattering your thoughts. Well, the letter can wait a bit longer. You look over to see Corrianne with a worried look on her facial features. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, why?" you asked her confused.

She smiled and giggled as she took George's letter from you. She read the letter out loud and squealed. "(Y/n)! I can't believe it!" she exclaimed. "His majesty, the king is asking you for lunch?! And oh bloody hell, he used 'My dearest!' So, that's why you were smiling like an idiot earlier.." she said.

You were about to say something when she immediately grabbed your coats and seized your arm, taking you outside into the snow-covered streets of Berkshire. It was the middle of December and you were freezing. "Corrianne, where are we going?!" you asked her as she kept running and dragging you behind. Finally, you both made it to a stop at the tailor.

"You're having lunch with His Majesty, the king," she chided. "You need something elaborate to impress him. Like they say 'dress to impress' Now, let's go,"

She walked into the parlor, dragging you in with her. The warm sudden change of temperature welcomed you. The seamstress was happy to see your faces again.

"Bonjour madame," she greeted with her thick french accent.

"Bonjour," you greeted back. "Excusez-moi, madame, Nous n'avons jamais pris votre nom, puis-je demander ce que c'est?" you asked. You really wanted to know her name. She seemed like a nice lady. (Translation: Excuse me, madame. We never caught your name, may I ask what it is?)

The seamstress giggled lightly and smiled. "It's Odelette, Odelette Chevallier. It is nice to meet you." Her name was beautiful, no doubt from that but the fact that she answered in english was shocking. Odelette saw your reaction and laughed. "I've been studying english since we met. I figured that it is easier to talk to customers this way," she said. Her french accent never seemed to leave her when she's talking but she is a great improvement.

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