Chapter 12: Teacher's Favorite

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"Well, well, look who finally decided to show up... Why has she even disappeared in the first place?"

"Wait, when was the last time we saw her again?"

"She has soooo many things to catch up on..."

"I wonder if she'll be taking 2 extra months. How will she catch up on all the activities?"

"Hey, isn't that... (L/n)?"

You heard all kinds of comments when going through the corridor, and you just couldn't help but smile. The whole situation you were in was quite funny since almost nobody seemed to care about you back then. You were always that historical nerd that no one really pays attention to. But who knew that disappearing for 3 months would get you all of this unwanted attention?

"(Y/n)!" a familiar voice called. Your smile grew wider and you turned around to see Colleen running up to you. She puts an arm around your shoulders, panting. "Which class to next?"

You chuckled, looking at your watch. "It's.. actually lunch time."

Your best friend's eyes sparkled in delight and excitement. "Really? Oh, food, where have you been all my life? I've been listening to professors' lectures for like thirtee-"

"Five," you cut her off. "Five hours, not thirteen. You're exaggerating."

Colleen pouted in annoyance. "Well, let's say it was FIVE; Five agonizing hours... Blimey, I'm hungry. I'll just save you a seat, alright? Alright," she said, not even waiting for your response and dashing off to the cafeteria.

You shook your head at her childishness and immaturity, laughing a bit. "Mon dieu. Colleen, wait for me!" you called before following after her. (Translation: My god)

You saw her in line, getting all those.. unappetizing food served in a daily basis. You, on the other hand, brought your own lunch everyday. The cafeteria was noisy, as always. Students sat in groups, classified into different stereotypes that never seem to make sense. Colleen sat at a nearby table and beckoned you to come. You obeyed and sat across from her.

"I really wish I hadn't forgotten to bring my own lunch today. I was in a hurry this morning," she said, playing around her food with a disgusted look. "You know, I hear they serve wonderful and delicious cafeteria food in Asian countries."

You brought out you lunch and opened it, which was just at least four pieces of (F/s [Favorite sandwich]). You took a piece and offered it to Colleen. "You want some?"

"...Do you have enough for yourself..?"

You looked down at the three pieces left and smiled. "Just take it. I have three pieces left," you insisted.

She hesitated before taking it. "Thank you," she muttered.

"Uh, excuse me, but is this seat taken?" a voice with a light American accent asked.

You both looked up and saw a girl with ginger hair. You glanced at the chair she was pointing at. "Um, no. It's free."

"Can I sit here?"

You nodded and took a better look at the person. Her ginger hair was long and a bit curly. She had beautiful blue eyes that could probably reflect the Mediterranean sea. She was quite beautiful, in your opinion. You haven't seen her around before, and she looked American with a slight tint of Irish, so you guessed she was the new student Colleen told you about.

"You must be a Weasley," Colleen commented, earning weird stares from the two of you. "What? I just had to say it."

You sighed. "I'm guessing you're the new transferee?"

"Oh, um.. yeah. My name's Eini (aɪnɪ)," she introduced herself, putting her hand out for you to shake.

You shook it with a welcoming smile. "(Y/n). That's my best friend, Colleen. So.. how's Britain so far?"

She shrugged. "I'm still getting used with your accents and your choice of words. But over all, it's fine... except for the tea. That's some bitter drink you got."

You chuckled. "I also didn't like tea as a child.. but it's part of our culture, you know?"


The rest of your time in the cafeteria was pleasant. You got to learn more about Eini and found out that she was a bit similar to you; She likes history, loves to read and was an orphan. The only unique thing about her is that she has a great talent in Arts and loved to draw. It was nice to earn a new friend after you disappeared for three months.

"You can start," the professor explained before going to the board and writing a few notes. 

You turned to your group mates and started listing their names, provided with a certain task to do beside each one. "Alright.. so Alyssa (ælaɪsa), you get some information about Asian culture. Nick, European culture. As for you, Sar-"

"Hold on, how do you get to tell us what to do," someone hissed. You looked at the direction of the voice and saw one of your groupmates with a scowl on his face. "You've been gone for 3 months, (L/n), 3 months. You missed a lot of activities. How do we know that what you're assigning us to do is relevant to the topic?"

You would if you payed attention to what the teacher and I said, you thought. You pushed your thoughts away, not wanting to be rude and understanding his point of view. "Well, I know I've been gone for a while but trust me, I've been catching up on the lessons and I know exactly what I'm doing."

Another girl snickered. "How will we make sure of that?"

".. because Miss (L/n), over here, took a test about the topics she missed, and had a higher score than all of my students to whom I discussed it to."

Everyone looked at the source of the voice. You were not that all surprised to see the professor standing behind your classmate. His intimidating, powder-blue eyes were piercing right through both of your classmates' eyes. You could've sworn you heard a whimper from the guy. 

"Do you have any more complaints," the professor asked innocently, but you knew it was a sarcastic remark. The students frantically shook their head in response. "Just as I thought." He walked away without uttering another word.

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