Chapter 16: Good to See You Again

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Great Britain, 1776

You groaned and rolled your body to the side. The ground felt soft, but it was terribly freezing. Suddenly, a soft, powder-like substance hit your face. You shut your eyes tightly, only to be hit with it again. You slowly put your hand on your face and opened your eyes.

Eini smiled at you innocently. "Hey," she said, "took you long enough."

You sat up and hugged yourself for protection from the cold. "What happened?"

"I don't know. I just woke up here in this random park." She looked at your shaking form. "You're freezing."

"Glad you noticed," you retorted. Then, you realized sonething. "Why aren't you?"

"Let me tell you about coats and jackets.."

"Why don't I have one?"

"I was wearing this the whole day, (Y/n)."

"Wait- First of all, where are we?"

"If I had known, I would've told you already."

You looked at your surroundings. A blanket of snow covered every part of the place. The achromatic white contrasted with the colors of the houses. It dawned you. "We're in the 1700s. I-I know it! This was Windsor 3 centuries ago."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I've been here.." you muttered, standing up and getting rid of the snow on your jeans.

Eini followed and leaned her back against a tree. "This is some messed up stuff," she said, looking around to see a few people passing by and giving you weird stares. "How would we even get here?"

"My uncle's machine. It can send you to different timelines," you explained. "Come now. We don't want weird stares digging through our flesh. I know someone who can help us." You walked down the path that lead to the gate of the park and continued on with your journey.

"Wait up! If you leave me here, (Y/n), I will decapitate you," Eini taunted, running towards you. "And who is this someone?"

"You'll meet her soon enough... By the way, do you have a few pounds?"

She delved into her pockets and brought out a few. "Hm.. I have a few. Why?"

Your rubbed your arms desperately. "Good. We need to buy dresses," you said. "Were you the one who threw snowballs at my face while I was unconscious?"

"Uhuh. Got a problem with that?"

"No, not at all. Just asking..."

The door creaked open as you went into the small store. The smell of fabric made its way to your nose. You were greeted with complete warmth.

"Bonjour. How can I help you today?" a familiar voice said before the person looked at you thoroughly. "Mon dieu! (Y/n)! Is that really you?" Odelette exclaimed, running to hug you. "How have you been? How was France?"

Eini looked at you with utter confusion. "You never told me you went to France..?"

You quickly elbowed her. "I'm doing great. France was beautiful! I've never been so happy to go back to my homeland," you said, hugging her. "I even brought back a friend from France." You took a good look at your French friend. She's aged a bit. Nonetheless, she was still beautiful. "You seem like you're getting older."

She chuckled. "And you're still looking as young as ever, (Y/n)! Come on, tell me your secrets." she joked, making you laugh along with her.

"I took German, not French," Eini whispered into you ear.

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