Chapter 11: Jealousy

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Hey guys, so I wrote chapter 9 at like three in the morning lol, and for some reason while looking back through and checking grammar and spelling I somehow missed I said Brody instead of Ruby. So yeah lol, Brody still hella dead and that was meant to say going fishing with Ruby. Idk how my dumb brain made that mistake but yeah, Brody is still dead. Rip Brody :'(

Clementine's POV
     "Willy stop it's not his fault!" I yell trying to calm Willy down. Willy grabs Mitch's hand as he looks down at his body. "Bullshit! Mitch ran out to save him and now he's dead!" Willy stands up and shoves Tenn to the ground before running off. I go to chase after him but Violet grabs my shoulder. "Give him some space, we can talk to him when he cools off." She says softly, I sigh and look over towards her. "Did you and AJ get anything out of Abel?" I ask, Violet just shakes her head and crosses her arms. "He won't fucking budge." She snaps, looking over at the cellar where he is locked up. "Shit." I think aloud, that asshole is our one shot at finding our friends and he won't talk. "Hey Clem? Can I talk to you for a second, in private?" Violet asks hesitantly. I nod and follow her to the dorms. We walk down the hall and into AJ and my room, I walk over to the bed as Violet shuts the door. "I saw what happened you know." She says quietly, looking down at the ground as she walks to the other bed and leans on the ladder. "What?" I ask confused, but that only seems to piss her off. "Don't play dumb Clem, I saw Lilly with her gun against your fucking head. You didn't even flinch." Violet snaps, looking over at me with a look of anger and betrayal. "I knew she wasn't going to pull the trigger." I say quietly, the feeling of guilt starting to rise in my stomach. "You knew? Seriously Clem? She was about to fucking do it when Louis stopped her." I could see Violet's hands start to shake, tears forming in her eyes as she looked as if she was being sent into a full on panic attack.

     "You promised me you wouldn't stop fighting, and you sat there and let her hold a gun to your fucking skull. Did you ever think about how I would feel if she pulled that trigger? If you were gone? I've already lost so many fucking people I care about, my family, my parents, Minnie." I quickly get up off the bed and run across the room, pulling her close into a hug. Without a second thought she wraps her arms tightly around my waist. "Don't ever fucking scare me like that again." She says softly, holding me tight. "I won't, I'm sorry. You're right, I shouldn't have had so much confidence she wouldn't kill me. I'm sorry Violet." I whisper softly, holding her close as run my hand through her hair comfortingly. "I'm afraid Clem, I don't want to be left alone again. I really love you, I love you so much. I know that you haven't been around for long and that's bold to say but, I really do love you. When I'm with you I don't feel so, alone and helpless. I need you, I need you here with me. I can't lose you okay?" She says softly, pulling away to look in my eyes. I nod softly, bringing my hands up to cup her face. I hated seeing Violet upset, but I was glad to know I was one of the few people Violet trusted enough to be this vulnerable around. I wanted to comfort her and make her happy, I wanted to be there for her no matter what. "Since when did my tough girl get to cheesy and sappy on me?" I ask teasing, Violet smiles for a moment before wiping her tears away with her sleeve. "Don't get used to it." She mumbles, calming down and trying to compose herself.
     I smirk before grabbing her hands and pulling her towards me again causing her to fall off balance and grip onto my shoulders to keep from falling onto the floor. "Careful Vi, good thing I caught you." I tease, Violet smiles and stands back up. Her hands on my shoulders sliding down my arms to my waist. "And you say I'm the cheesy one." Violet says with a small smile. I move my hands up to her shoulders, softly pulling her closer. I look down at her as if taking the sight of it in. Her beautiful green eyes staring back at me half-lidded, feeling her shaky eager breathe against my lips, just centimeters away from hers. I lean in and softly place a gentle kiss onto her lips. Then another, and another, each one longer and more passionate than the last. Violet's hands snaked around my waist pulled me closer as I deepened the kiss. She gently bit my bottom lip before pulling away slightly, her tongue brushing across where she bit. I gasp slightly from the new sensation, Violet taking the opportunity to slide her tongue into my mouth. The feeling was new, but felt amazing. I move my arms around her neck, trying my best to mimic her movements as I swirled my tongue around hers. Violet pulls away slightly, laughing softly before looking back up at me. Her beautiful green eyes now dark and full of passion and lust. "You've gotten pretty good at that." She teases, planting soft kisses on my cheek and down to my neck. "What can I say? I have a good teacher." I tease back. Violet smiles before pulling away.
"As much as I'd love to continue this, we need to find out where Lilly took our friends." Violet says walking towards the door. I nod and follow behind her down the hallway, smiling at how determined Violet is when she wants to be. But of course I wasn't done with her after that just happened.

     I continue to walk out the dorm room into the courtyard, spacing out at the thought when I bump into Violet who stopped walking abruptly. "Vi? You okay?" I ask walking next to her and following her gaze to the gate. A red haired girl stood in the gateway, looking back at Violet with the same shocked look. Her hair was shaved except for her bangs in the front, she was wearing clothes similar to the Delta's outfits. Her bright blue eyes is what caught my attention, she looked exactly like the girl from the photo album. My heart dropped at the realization as Violet took a step forward. "Violet?" The girl calls out, a smile crossing her face. "Violet!" She yells running towards her. Violet immediately began running to meet her halfway practically tackling her in a hug. The sight gave me a bad feeling in my stomach, like I was gonna be sick. "I thought I'd never see you again." Minerva says before letting Violet go and looking her over. I clear my throat, causing Minerva to look over at me. "Who's this?" She asks, looking me up and down before shooting me a glare. "This is Clementine." Violet says with a soft smile. "Her girlfriend, and you must be Minerva." I snap, crossing my arms and glaring at her. Minerva looks at me with a shocked look for a second, glancing between me and Violet before shooting me a fake ass smile. Violet looks over at me with a glare, knocking my confidence down slightly. "Yes, I am. Nice to meet you Clementine. I guess you can say I'm kind of surprised to hear Violet has a girlfriend. Seeing as she was with me when we got separated." Minerva says, glancing back at Violet who now has a guilty look on her face.
     Minerva immediately switches her attention back to Violet. "Where's Marlon? And Brody?" Minerva asks, Violet falls silent. "They um, they didn't make it. Mitch is gone too." Violet says quietly. Minerva looks at her with a sad look, before turning to me. "Did you have something to do with it?" She snapped, I shake my head and glare at her. "You can blame your friends at the Delta for that." I snap back, Violet looks at me with another glare. "Clem." She whispers to me, but Minerva cuts her off. "No it's alright. And for the record, those assholes are not my friends. I saw them take Louis and Omar, Aasim. As soon as I saw them I escaped and came back here, I need to make sure you guys were still alive." She says before walking over to me. "You're gonna get them all fucking killed." She snaps, by this point Violet interjects. "Clem saved us. Marlon fucking gave you guys up to the Delta and murdered Brody!" Violet says, Minerva looks at her for a second before backing off. "None of that matters anymore, I know where they took our friends. We can get them back." I can't help but growl under my breathe at her words. She can't just walk back into this place like she never fucking left. Violet just nods in agreement as if she doesn't suspect a thing. "Minnie?" Tenn's voice cuts through the group. Minerva looks over at him with a bright smile. "Tennessee!" She says happily as she picks up him in a hug. "Violet, don't you think it's a little suspicious that she shows up right after the raid? How do you know she isn't still with them?" I ask, Violet looks over at me with a pissed look. "Minnie would never sell us out like that. Why are you being so hostile anyway? And the I'm her girlfriend shit, what the hell was that about?" Violet snaps, I want to say something but I didn't know how to word it. "I don't know, she just gives me a bad feeling." I say crossing my arms and glaring over at Minerva.
Violet rolls her eyes and scoffs. "You don't gotta be a bitch to her though." She snaps before walking off towards her. It felt like a knife was just sent into my chest, I felt like I fucking wanted to cry.

     I was checking maps in the office alone, Minerva had said that the Delta had a large boat parked down by the water. I was trying to think of the best approach when the door opens. I turn around to see Violet walking in. "Oh, hey." I say quietly turning back to the maps, the tension I felt around Violet was suffocating. I hated it and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. "Just hey? Some welcome." Violet teases, but I just shrug and keep scanning the maps. Violet's smile fades as she sits on the desk, pushing the map aside and taking its place. "What's wrong? Come on talk to me." Violet says softly, grabbing my hands gently and trying to pull me closer. I pull my hands away and step back. "I'm fine." I snap, Violet looks at me surprised for a moment before giving me a pissed off glare. "Is this still about Minerva? Clem what the fuck? You're usually such an accepting person." She says crossing her arms. "I just don't trust her! She is from Delta now, she isn't the Minerva you knew before." I say trying to convince Violet, but she doesn't budge. "You know what I think it is? You're just jealous because she is my ex-girlfriend and you're letting your emotions dictate your judgement. And that's bullshit Clem, our friends are in danger and you need to get over it! You know I love you!" She snaps, I look over at her pissed off. "I'm not jealous! This has nothing to do with that! I know she is up to something, I can feel it." I say looking towards the shattered window. Violet scoffs and stands up and walks past me. "Sure you can." She says before walking out.

I Can't Lose You | Walking Dead Fan-Fiction [Violet x Clementine]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora