Chapter 5: Where Loyalty Lies

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Violet's POV
"She's in the basement! She murdered Brody!" Marlon yells as he finishes telling us the story of what had just happened. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I felt like such an idiot. I let myself fall for this shit again. I trusted her and confided in her, I allowed myself to let someone in again. And this is what comes of it. I should've known better, I should've just kept my distance from her like I planned to do in the first place. "That's bullshit Marlon!!" Clem's voice cuts through the commotion as she steps into view. "Clem!" AJ yells as he sees her, seeming relieved to see that she was okay. AJ had obviously not believed Marlon's story for one second. I wanted to not believe it too, but this was one of my friends and I didn't know Clem as long as I had known Marlon. Clem walks through the crowd with this look on her face. It was a look I had never seen from her, she looked so angry and focused on Marlon as if she was gonna kill him. "You killed brody! You hit her so hard her head split open!" Clem yells out in anger. There was an audible gasp from all the onlookers of the fight. I didn't know what to feel, I didn't know who to believe. I wanted to believe Clementine so badly but I just didn't know her well enough. I didn't want to trust someone only to have them lie to me or use me or leave me behind again. "That's a lie! I saw you kill her!" Marlon yells pointing at her as he looks at the group. "Look at her hands! She is covered in Brody's blood!" He yells. I looked down to Clementine's hands, and sure enough she was covered in blood. This can't be true.. I don't want it to be true.

"Jesus Christ Clem."
"What did you do?"

Everyone's voice seem to just blend into one, fading away into nothingness. It felt like my heart had stopped. It felt like I couldn't breathe. It was as if I was shot right back to when Minnie was killed. Marlon takes the opportunity that the confusion caused to grab AJ's gun and hold it in the air. "We saved their lives when anyone else would've kept walking. We fed them! We kept them warm! And this is how they thank us?!" Marlon yells as he holds the gun in the air before pointing it at Clementine. That was the moment it felt like everything had come crashing back to me. Seeing him threatening to kill Clementine like that, even if what he was saying was true, I can't just let him kill her. "You shoot me, what do you offer up to your raider friends when they come knocking?!" Clem yells to her defense, as if she wasn't at all afraid there was a gun pointed at her. She was like that in the train station too. It was as if she wasn't afraid to die. "He won't do it, because he needs us alive!" She shouts, looking to AJ when she saw how scared he had looked in that moment. Marlon is visibly starting to break at Clem's words, while everyone else looks on with confusion and curiosity. No one knew who to believe at this point. "Shut up!" Marlon yells, but Clementine doesn't seem phased. "Brody told me that Marlon was gonna give AJ and I up to the raiders in exchange for safety. The same we he gave up Sophie and Minnie!" Clementine yells as she looked amongst the crowd of kids. Hearing her say that, it was a moment of pure shock. I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Tenn's audible gasp was the only sound I managed to hear as it felt like time slowed down. He wouldn't, Marlon wouldn't do that to them!

"Shut the fuck up Clementine!"
"Let her talk!"
"Brody told me the truth and that's when Marlon killed her!"

The voices all seemed to drown out, I felt like I was falling into a panic attack. I only snapped back to reality as Marlon began to yell and pace around the courtyard. It kept feeling like I was zoning in and out, I couldn't even tell which voices were real anymore and which ones were in my head. It was all so loud, and it was pounding to the point my ears were ringing. "Who are you gonna believe?! Jhonny-come-lately and her little fucking lunatic, or me?!" Marlon yells amongst the group, once again pointing the gun in his hand right at Clem. "Your friend!" Marlon adds on, as if reminding us that he was our friend and they weren't. As if implying after everything they had done for us that Clem and AJ weren't our friends too. Everyone else was looking to one another as if trying to collectively come to a decision on who to believe. Everyone except for me, it felt as though my eyes were glued to Clementine. The pain in my chest only growing greater as amber eyes met mine. "Violet, please. You know this is bullshit!" Out of everything she could've said or done in that moment, she calls out to me. She didn't try to defend herself further, she didn't try to get AJ to help her. She called out to me.

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