Chapter 8: It's Not Like That!

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Clementine's POV
I feel like such a fucking idiot, I should've never asked Violet that stupid question. Ever since our talk this feeling that I've been feeling has just gotten ten times worse. I can barely think whenever I'm around her. It feels like torture every time I have to help her plan defense for the raiders. Every time her hand brushes mine while looking at maps, every time she says my name, every time she looks at me with those green eyes. I can't fucking take this, everything about her is just intoxicating. I can't focus or get anything done, I can't stop thinking of her. I want to tell her how I feel, I really do, but it just seems so pointless. She clearly is still in love with Minerva and when those raiders come and she gets her back she won't even look in my direction anymore. "Clementine!" I snap back to reality and look over to Violet who was now leaning on the desk. "Sorry, what?" I ask as a burning feeling trails up my neck to my ears, this was like the third time I've spaced out during planning. "I said we should have Mitch plant a backup supply of bombs behind the picnic tables to the left, in case we get boxed in." She says pointing to the spot on the map. "Oh right, that's a good plan." I say as I try to recover from once again having just completely spaced out. I felt so embarrassed. "Are you okay? You've been acting weird the past couple days. It's like you're a million miles from earth." She says looking at me with a look of confusion and concern. "I'm fine. I think I just need some fresh air." I say giving her a reassuring smile. "I think I'm gonna go patrol for a bit." I say before walking out of the office and down the hall. It's been like this for days, I didn't know what to do around Violet so I just ended up avoiding her outside of discussing raider defense. Now it was getting to the point where I couldn't even do that without feeling uncomfortable. I keep hoping that a walk or spending more time with AJ would make these feelings go away but it hasn't. If anything it just makes them worse once I have to face Violet again.

What am I gonna do? We have a raid to get ready for and I can barely focus! It might just be smarter to avoid Violet all together. I can't be spaced out and unraveled when the raiders show up, I need to be focused and ready to fight. I can't let these guys down here, I need to protect them.

Violet's POV
"I don't know what to do Louis, I thought about what you said about just being honest and telling her how I feel. But now it feels like she can barely look at me! She's been avoiding me like I'm bit or something." I say in frustration leaning against Louis' piano. "That doesn't sound like Clem to avoid someone for no reason. Are you sure you didn't do anything to piss her off?" Louis asks still tuning his stupid piano. "Of course not! I've been making sure to watch my mouth after that stupid incident with Rosie in the woods." I couldn't tell if I was angry or upset at this point, I just wanted to know why Clem was avoiding me so much. It felt like she didn't trust me anymore, and it really hurt to think what I could've done to lose her trust. "Well there's only one thing to do. You gotta talk to her about it, hope she can forgive you if you did somehow fuck it up. Which wouldn't surprise me if you did." Louis says with a teasing smile. I shoot him and glare and sit next to him on the piano stool. "You're not fucking helping." I snap at him.

Clementine's POV
It felt like things were only getting worse, I could tell Violet was starting to notice. I was running out of excuses as to why I was either really quiet or just plain skipping out on strategizing meetings. "Alright Clem, how's it feeling?" Ruby asks as she changes the bandages around my torso. I wince slightly at the pressure, but it definitely wasn't as bad as before. "It's-.. better to say the least." I shrug, Ruby stands up and starts putting away the medical equipment. "Better is good enough, it's a step in the right direction. Just remember to not overdo it, you tend to get carried away sometimes." Ruby teased me which caused me to just give her this smug little smirk. "Me? Carried away? I would never!" I say with a sarcastic tone, earning an eye roll from Ruby. "Want to go patrol with me Clem?" AJ asks sitting next to me on the couch. Any excuse to go out and get moving instead of sitting around all day, plus it might help me take my mind off things. "Hey Clem!" Louis says with a bright smile as he runs up the stairs towards us, nearly bumping into Ruby. Violet was behind him with her arms crossed, staring right at me. I could feel her gaze piercing into me, and it felt like it was making my heart jump. "Oh hey Louis, where are you guys heading?" I ask and try to focus on Louis while avoiding eye contact with Violet. "I was actually about to come and get you. I need to talk to you about the raiders, it's important." Violet answers for him. "Oh um, can it wait a little bit? It's just that AJ and I were going out to patrol and-" Louis cuts me off grabbing AJ's arm. "I'll go patrol with the little dude, teach him some melee moves and stuff." He says smiling as he walks with AJ down the stairs. "Oh okay, bye Clem!" AJ shouts back confused before I even get a chance to react. "Come on, we need to talk." Violet says grabbing my hand and leading me towards the office. I felt the butterflies in my stomach again, I could tell this wasn't about the raiders.

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