Chapter 2: Trust and Loss

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Big note for this chapter, both Gabe and Kate survived in Season 3 in this book. It will be very important to the storyline.


I decided to have a long talk with AJ's behavior, first with biting that girl Ruby and then hitting Marlon in his most sensitive area. It seemed to stick with him, he was being very social with everyone and even apologized to Ruby and Marlon. We decided to go check on Violet and Tenn. I was kind of hoping he and AJ would hit it off. It would be nice to see AJ have some friends his own age but so far it's been a bumpy start. "What's this?" AJ asks as we approach the two. "Our graveyard." Violet says softly turning towards us to acknowledge our presence, before turning her gaze back to the graves. "You guys still do that?" Violet sort of shrugged to answer my question before looking back in my direction. I don't know why but her piercing green eyes sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't really pinpoint why, considering I didn't feel intimidated by her or anything. "Kinda sorta." She says, letting her crossed arms now fall to her sides. "So, who's buried here?" I ask, gazing into those piercing eyes. Violet looks back towards the graves, leaving an almost empty feeling in my stomach once the eye contact was broken. "Nobody really. This is where we buried Tenn's sisters' belongings. Minnie and Sophie. Twins. Lost em both about a year ago." She says softly, I could hear the hint of pain in her voice. It brought back some bad feelings for me, but I'm sure we've all felt some sort of loss in all of this.

Violet and AJ share a look. "Paying respects." Violet says simply, before AJ looks back at the graves Tenn was now laying flowers on. "Should we do that too?" AJ asks as he looks towards me for approval. I smile at this, finding it very sweet that AJ wanted to pay respects despite not knowing who these people were in life. "Yeah, I think that'd be a very nice thing to do AJ, come on." I say motioning to the grave. AJ grabs some flowers from Violet, setting them down beside Tenn's. The two boys share a smile to one another. "Thank you." Tenn says softly to AJ as he stands up.

Violet's POV 
I couldn't help but keep sneaking glances at Clementine. I don't know what it is about her. Ever since she got here I've just felt this weird feeling in my stomach. It's as if once I looked into those damn amber eyes of hers I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. It made me feel sick. I couldn't figure this girl out, on one hand she seemed so tough and standoffish; but on the other hand she seemed so caring and compassionate. It was like she was two completely different sides of the same coin. The only thing I could say for sure was that this girl had gone through hell to get here. No one with such a determined look in their eye to survive hasn't seen immense struggle. She was brave, she was courageous, she was confident. She stood up for me when Louis was teasing me even after my little attempt at a joke with the Rosie incident. God I felt like such an idiot for that one. She probably thinks I was making fun of her for having a fear of dogs. Even still, she encouraged AJ to pay respects to Tenn's sisters. Plus the way she smiles at me, I don't know why but it makes me feel . . . happy? Is that the right word for it? I don't know what it was honestly but it only seemed to hit me whenever Clem looked at me. I wanted so badly to figure out what this girl's deal was. I wanted to know why I had this feeling, but Clementine was hard to read. She was like trying to read a book in a foreign language no human could read.

Clementine's POV
Several hours later . . .
Louis had almost insisted on me joining in on their game night. The deck of cards he pulled out reminded me of that card game I played with Gabe. How he insisted on teaching me to play Euchre, and how he had encouraged me to bring AJ back to the New Frontier so he could teach him the same. "Violet! It's time!" He shouts, beckoning Violet over from the neighboring table. "What's the game tonight Lou?" Marlon asks, pushing his bowl aside. "War." Louis says with a confident smile as he shuffles the cards. I decide that for once I'm gonna have a little bit of fun. "You're all going down." I say with a confident smirk, earning smiles from both Louis and Violet. I didn't even know how to play, but I didn't want them to think I was easy to beat. Luckily Violet explained how to play as if she had somehow read my mind that I had no idea what I was doing. "It's a fairly easy game. Everyone draws a card, highest card wins." Violet says leaning on the table. "And the winner gets to ask Clem a question." Louis adds with a smile. I looked at him with this look on my face that basically was like saying 'seriously?' without words. "I wanna get to know you, we all do." He says motioning to Marlon and Violet with his eyes. "And what if I win?" I ask curiously. Louis only looked back with his cheerful smile and upbeat attitude in his voice. "Then you get to ask us one. It's only fair."

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