Chapter 3: You're Easy to Talk to

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Clementine's POV
"What's an artist?" AJ asks as we continue to talk about the box of art supplies. "It's like, a person who likes to draw, color; does pictures." I say as I take off my hat and set it on the dresser before walking over to him. "You mean like Tenn?" He asks, I smile and put a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, like Tenn." AJ smiles and grabs a colored pencil. "I like to do pictures too." He started to draw with the supplies. The door slowly starts to opens behind us, and I turn around to see Violet walk into the room. She seemed pretty surprised to see us there, as if she didn't know anyone would be in here. "Oh shit. I didn't know Marlon set you up in this room." She says as she slowly shuts the door. "I just came to get something from the closet." My eyes followed her as she walks to the closet. With everything going on, this was the first time I really looked at Violet. She was taller than me, but just barely. Her eyes were so bright and green, her gaze was cold and intense like ice. It was enough to make a chill shoot down my spine. She was pretty skinny, but that wasn't too surprising seeing as food wasn't too easy to come by these days. I imagine with all these mouths to feed, there is a lot of sacrifice around here. "Ugh, where is it?" She says as she looks through the closet, which caused me to stop spacing out. She turned around and her gaze locked with the box on the table. AJ was still scribbling away on his paper when Violet finally spoke up again. "Oh." She says kind of hesitantly. "What?" I ask seeing as the way she said it sounded as though something was wrong. I was studying her appearance much easier now that she was facing me, while at the same time trying to not make it obvious I was looking. Her torn and worn down vest overtop her hoodie, her tight jeans tucked into her boots, her blonde hair that despite the circumstances still looks so soft, and obviously her bright green eyes. There was just something about her eyes, every time she looked at me it was like I got this weird feeling in my stomach. I couldn't explain it.

"That's what I was looking for. It belonged to Sophie." She says softly, her voice snapping me out of my thoughts once again. I felt a flush of embarrassment hit me at the fact I kept just drifting off when I looked at her. Thank god she didn't seem to notice me staring at her, or how bright red my face was in that moment. She seemed to be too focused on what she was doing to pick up on it. "Uh, Tenn's sister. He was asking for more art supplies and stuff so, I was going to . . ." Her voice trailed off and she didn't finish her sentence. She crossed her arms, only glancing at me now and then before adverting her gaze to the floor once again. I didn't need her to finish to put two and two together and realize what she was implying. "Oh sorry, we didn't know." I apologize for intruding and taking something that didn't belong to us. I didn't realize how important it was to Violet when I first found it. Violet just smiles and chuckles slightly before looking back up at me. "No no, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Honestly it's just been sitting her for the past year and no ones touched it." She says as she waved off my apology. She walked over to the door and put her hand on it to push it open a bit more. "Honestly if AJ wants to play with it . . . it's fine." She says as she looks over her shoulder, planning on leaving the room. AJ shifts his gaze from her to me as if waiting to see what I was gonna say. I didn't want us to intrude on their space, and I wanted AJ to learn to share and show his manners. Sure there was a lot of people we couldn't trust, but on the rare occasion we could I don't want us to be entitled. "You should probably give the box back. It doesn't belong to us." I say with a soft smile. AJ seems upset for a moment but he knows we're doing the right thing. Violet smiles softly at him, walking up behind me. "Thanks buddy, it's just that Tenn wanted it since it was his sister's and all." Violet says with a soft smile as she once again walks back towards the desk.

"Okay." AJ says slightly disappointed, Violet looks at him for a moment before motioning to his picture. "You can finish your drawing though. I don't mind." AJ seems to light up at Violet's offer. I look over at her with a soft smile, thankful she was compromising with AJ so he didn't feel like he couldn't use it. Violet was watching AJ draw with that soft genuine smile I had seen only a few times before. It was a rare occurrence, but I liked to see it when it did happen. Violet really did have a sweet smile, but unfortunately it came to an end as she looks around the room. "I see you're um . . . settling in." She says hesitantly, looking over at my hat on the dresser. "Yeah, is that okay?" I ask with a questioning tone. I noticed she didn't seem very enthusiastic about us being in this room. "Sure I guess." She says softly as she walks over to the bunk bed, leaning on the support beam. "I always liked this room, Sophie always had like paintings and shit on the walls. Lots of color." She says as she looks around the old beat up room. "And Minerva, she was really musical. Not like Louis though, she had actual talent." She says shaking her head. I chuckle slightly at her joke, walking over to her and leaning against the bed on the opposite end of the room. She seemed to smile slightly at me laughing at her joke, although I couldn't really tell if that was actually what she was smiling about. "She had the most amazing voice. Real bluesy. Marlon always joked that he would scavenge a guitar and they would tour the country." She continues as she reminiscences about life before all this bullshit happened. I just smiled softly as I listened to her ramble. It was nice to hear Violet open up about the past, and she seemed like she really needed this quick walk back down memory lane. She seemed to really enjoy her time with the twins. Her bright smile as she thought about it was refreshing and even comforting.

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