Chapter 4: Lies and Betrayal

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Clementine's POV
AJ and I had talked to Marlon about staying long term. I was determined to show him we can pull our weight around here if we planned on staying. We had decided on helping Brody and Violet down at the river to catch some fish. Violet had been very insistent on not taking part of our road trip conversation yet she took any chance she could to comment on my driving. "I'll wait out here while you guys grab the spears." Violet says as she sits on the rocks and looks down at the stream. I follow Brody into the shack, looking around for spears. The attitude Violet had towards Brody was pretty obviously hostile. Brody only confirmed it by explaining the situation of Violet blaming her for the twins' death. "You know it's not your fault." I say looking over at Brody and she gives me a reassuring smile in return. "Hey Clem? Do you think you could talk to her for me? It's just she seems to open up really well to you." Brody asks, grabbing the spears. "Sure. I can talk to her." I didn't really see a problem with it. Maybe talking about it was exactly what Violet needed to get past it. Brody seems to light up when I accepted her request. "Thank you Clem!" She says with a bright smile as she leaves to bring the spears out for Violet. I look around the check for any extra spears or supplies that could be helpful to us while we're out here. AJ sits on a mattress that he found on the floor of the shack while he waits for me to finish up. As I looked around, I noticed something craved on the wall of the little shack. Carved into the wood was the initials 'V+M' surrounded by a heart with an arrow through it.

Violet and Minerva.

The carving pretty much confirmed my suspicions of their past relationship. I couldn't really figure out why but seeing the carving made my stomach churn. It felt like how it did back in the room when Violet was talking about her and Minerva before the outbreak. It felt like I wanted to throw up or just walk back to the school and be alone. Maybe I was getting a fever or something? People get stomach aches when they're sick right? "What does that mean?" AJ asks as he points to it. "Violet and Minerva were . . . together. Violet was Minerva's girlfriend. I guess they must've carved that when they were stationed out here together." I explained to AJ, the words seemed to get stuck in my throat. I was so confused why I kept feeling like this. I have been feeling like this all morning ever since Marlon said we were gonna be going with Violet and Brody. It wasn't this hard before and then last night something just changed. "You mean like love stuff?" He asks, which makes me finally look back over at him. I didn't even notice I had been staring at that carving on the wall. I nod to answer yes to his question and AJ sticks his tongue out with an audible bleh sound. I laughed at that, it was funny how talking about anything love related made him so uncomfortable. "Alright goofball, let's go help the others."

AJ decided to run further down stream to try and fish, which was fine with me as long as he stayed where I could see him. I had never done this before so I was mainly watching Violet to try and get a general idea of what I should be dong. The only time I ever went fishing was with my dad and it was with poles, not spears. Violet must've noticed because she looked over at me with a smile. "It's easy. Watch." She says before she looks back at the water with a look of determination and focus. She strikes the water quickly, pulling the spear up with an impaled fish on the end. I look towards the water, trying to mimic Violet's movements as I closely watched for any movement in the stream. I stabbed the spear into the water and pulled up absolutely nothing. "Dammit." I curse to myself. I was determined to get this right, I wanted to show we could be helpful. After a couple more failed attempts, visible frustration was beginning to show on my face. Violet was looking at me with a confident smirk. "Well what do you know. The magnificent Clementine's fishing is about as good as her driving." She teases, leaning against her spear as she watches me. "Fuck off." I saw with a slight smile and rolling my eyes. I hold the spear to the water, before Violet drops hers and walks over to me. "Here, try it like this." She says as she stands behind me, moving her hands over top mine to correct my stance. I could feel that burning feeling again as it crawls up my neck to my ears. I'm almost a hundred percent positive I have a fever now. "Be patient and wait for the right moment. You're trying too hard to rush it." She says softly, her voice directly in my ear as her breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine. "Wait for it.." She says as she watches the water over my shoulder, which only made it harder to focus. "Now." She says as I send the spear towards the fish, pulling it out of the river with the impaled fish still flopping on the end of the spear. "There you go." Violet says with a bright smile, brighter than I think I'd ever seen her smile before. She pulled away and walked to pick her own spear back up. I honestly missed the warmth and the closeness when she pulled away. I kind of wished she would stay by me and keep helping me like she was. But only because I could use the tips!

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