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The huge palace of indraprastha was built with a mayasabha(a hall full of illusions), the whole city was gifted with the best of monuments and architectures

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The huge palace of indraprastha was built with a mayasabha(a hall full of illusions), the whole city was gifted with the best of monuments and architectures. But still the kingdom was without a proper king. Yidhistor was the owner of Indraprastha but not the king. He could become a king only after a proper rajasuya yajna.

The beautiful daughter of panchal threw the dice.
"OH! It seems along with the finances u r gonna look after my dice games as well panchali." Yudhishtir said with a laugh.
"Arya!!!!" She smiled and passed the dice to him.
Yudhisthir took hold of her hands... and opened her fist. The dice fell. Her eyes were down. He grabbed her with a little force towards himself... and he moved towards her. She was still bowing down with a balanced smile. He bent forward for her dulcet lips.....

And suddenly the chamber's gates were opened. Dharmaraj moved back, ashamed draupadi stood. "Arjun....." Yudhishtir shouted.  "How dare u enter draupadi's chamber." Arjun couldn't meet their eyes. He found for draupadi in the chamber, but couldn't apologize. He took the gandiva placed on desk in her chamber and moved without uttering a single word. Without saying anything panchali was seeing..... and thinking that what compelled him to do such a mistake. Even after knowing the consequences,  how could he. Not for me atleast for the rajasuya yajna he could have resisted. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Yudhishtir came to her and took her hands, wiped her tears and placed her head on his chest.


Pardon me!🙏🙏

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