Chapter 2 -First memory

Start from the beginning

He signed again and turned his head toward me, "Anything else?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.

I shook my head, "That's it." I mumbled.

Staring at him from this angle just made me wonder how perfect would it be to kiss him. My jaw tightened as I realized how big of a trouble I am in.

I am really crushing over my very own patient. That got to be the most unethical thing to be done.

I took the papers and went back to my chair, all while taking a mental note not to get that close to him again. It's so very dangerous.

"Okay, so usually," I started, pulling on the professional me - the only one who should be dealing with him - "Considering you've went to therapy before, we would start with that, but I have a feeling you won't just tell me why," I noted, "Because it's obvious you don't trust me yet."

He nodded, agreeing with me, "We don't need to start with that." I added.

We could always start from the beginning and I could solve the rest as we move along. He was admitted to an asylum at a young age, which could only relate to the kind of childhood that he had and to one of the followings: abusive parents, traumatic incident that he either lived or witnessed, or maybe death of someone really close.

Something in my gut tells me it's the second option.

"Let's start with your childhood," I went for the most basic approach, "What is your first earliest memory?"

I had to start with that. Usually, the earliest childhood memory you can recall is often related to an emotional event. It also reflects the impact of the type of a childhood one has experienced. And these experiences are not just what happened, they are what helps in shaping one's identity and self.

His answer could give me an insight about the type of man he is.

He didn't answer me right away. I wondered if he was trying to remember which memory is his earliest.

"Can you not remember?" I asked, "It's not a problem, memories can be tricky."

He shook his head, "No, I remember. I remember everything." He answered, "That's the problem you see, my worst enemy is my memory."


Nikolas's POV


"I am so sick of you and of this, it's enough!" The screams coming from inside had me backing away from the door right away, "If you were gonna keep weeping after him, then maybe you should've left with him as well!"

"I keep trying to open a new page," His voice now was lower and I felt my fingers tighten over the drawing in my hand, "Why, why do you always have to trigger me like that?"

"Isaac, it's enough, I just want to sleep, please get out," She said. Her voice wasn't as usual, it was a bit choked and tight.

"That's all you got?" His voice was raising again, "I took you in after everything you've done-"

"I didn't do anyth-"

"Shut up!" The sound of something breaking had me flinching. I backed away till my back came in contact with the wall, "You betrayed me, and I still took you in, something you don't deserve, you ungrateful bitch!" The sound this time wasn't something breaking, it was different, like a...slap?

My fingers let the paper go as that sound echoed again, and again, "You ruined my life, you know that?" He screamed, never once stopping. I slid down the wall and pulled my knees up, I pressed my hands over my ears to stop his voice from penetrating through.

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