That's what makes you beautiful

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A/N: Yes I know it's a one direction song, I'm not a fan but if fits the story.
Trigger warnings: self-deprecation, and mentions of self harm scars. Sorry this is so late.

Evan found himself staring in the mirror, and although it was something he hated every second of, he couldn't seem to look away. His mind picked out every single imperfection.

Ugly. Fat. Disgusting. Chubby. Curvy. Cuts.

He hated how it was all true.

"Evan?" He jumped, turning around to see Connor standing in the doorway. "What are you doing, baby?" Connor wrapped his arms around Evan's waist and kissed his neck.

Evan grunted and sat on the bed as his gaze burned holes in the floor.

Connor was confused; he was always welcomed with a little 'hello' kiss from his treeboy. Although he tried not to pry, he couldn't help but ask what was wrong.

"Evan, did a I do something wrong? If I did, tell me so I can fix it. Just call me out on it next time and-"

"Why aren't you breaking up with me?" Connor was dumbfounded by the question.

"Why would I break up with you? You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I could never live without you." He reached out to grab his hand, but Evan jerked away. He mumbled something inaudible to Connor. "What was that, gorgeous?"

"Don't call me that!" He demanded.

Connor watched as Evan's bottom lip began to trembles and a pool of tears formed in his eyes. He held out his arms, longing for the poor boy to crawl into them, but he didn't. He just stared into the mirror.

Everything in that moment seemed to click for Connor.

He gasped. "Evan, honey, don't look at the mirror, look at me." He turned around and he watched as little tears ran down Evan's face. "Sweetie, your beautiful, breathtaking even. All bodies are pretty."

He shook his head. "N-No, I'm not! I-I'm ugly, and f-fat! And one day, your gonna realize that and b-break up with me!" Connor wrapped his bony arms around him.

"Evan, listen to me, you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen. You are in absolutely no way fat, you've got itty bitty curves which I love because that means there's more of you to cuddle. And I am never, ever going to break up with you and you know why? Because I would never find someone as perfect as the beautiful boy that I love with all my heart, sitting right here on my lap." Connor kissed Evan's tear-stained cheeks.

Silence rang through the room as Connor held his boyfriend close, his grip tight as if he would disappear if he let go.


"Yes, handsome?"

"Do... Do you promise?"

He kissed the top of Evan's head. "Yes, baby boy, I promise."

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