Deaf au!

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I'm back!! Now that my school play is over, I've got time to get back to writing! And while I have done as much research as I could about this topic, I myself am not in the deaf community, so if I got a concept wrong or said something not necessarily true, please please let me know so I can change it right away! Also, all sign language will be in italics

"Oh my fucking god, you are so gay for that kid!"

Zoe was standing by her brother's locker during their passing time, watching as Connor wilted the moment his crush, Evan Hansen, walked by. He'd liked this boy since the moment he saw him, but Connor never actually interacted with him.

"Fuck off, Zoe," he growled, flipping her off as he shoved his science textbook back into his locker.

"No, no, you really are in love with this boy, aren't you? You're like head over heels for someone who doesn't even know you exist,"

"I am not in love with him! He just happens to be a very attractive boy in my grade who I have yet to talk to," A tint of pink colored his cheeks as he rolled his eyes.

"If you like him so much why not man up and ask him out,"

"I would but I know Evan's deaf and I don't know how well he is at reading lips, if he has any kind of hearing aid, and I also don't know sign language!" The locker door slammed with a bang as Connor leaned up against it and huffed. Then, a moment of realization hit him. "That's it... Zoe, holy fuck that's a good idea! Thank you!"

Zoe was too confused to hug back when she felt her brother wrap his arms around her waist before taking off down the hallway.

"But I didn't do anything! Where are you going? Are you high again?!"

But Connor had a plan. It was the final period before dismissal and he had a free period, so, he ran down to the library and stopped in his tracks when he reached the front librarian's desk. "Hi, do you have any books on asl?"

"Oh sure sweetie," the older woman glanced up from what she was reading and pointed towards the other side of the room, "there are a few books in its section down that way,"

Connor found the bookshelf she had pointed to with the five books on American Sign Language, and he checked out the book titled American Sign Language for Beginners. He opened it to the first chapter and began to practice the alphabet, and once he felt comfortable with that, he moved into the basics and phrases everybody would need to know.

Connor had gotten pretty far when the bell finally rang, being a fast learner, and as soon as he completed his homework that night, he reviewed what he had practiced earlier and finished looking through the first chapter.

And every day for the next three or so weeks, after dinner, he would run back up to his room and continue to teach himself asl, keeping his one end goal in mind. Connor would even ask Zoe to quiz him on topics once he felt that he had memorized most of the hand signs.

One night, he had asked her to quiz him on everything he's learned so far, to make sure that he would be able to somewhat hold a conversation in sign language with Evan, and though Zoe thought it went well, Connor would disagree.

"Alright, Connor, how would you sign sister?"

Connor stared down at his hands, hoping it would flood back into his memory, but it didn't. Instead, he groaned and slammed his head down on the wooden desk, cursing to himself.

"Fuck! I don't remember!"

"That's fine, Connor, we can just go over that section again-"

"That's not the point, Zo. If I'm going to ask him out I want to at least try and make an effort to get this right!"

Zoe, learning how to help her brother through his outbursts, calmed him down and decided that it was best if they stopped for the night and got some rest. The next night, they tried again with more success that time and continued over the course of another four weeks until Connor felt he was ready.

It was almost two months ago that Connor was in the same spot as he was right now, standing in the library entrance, watching as Evan was browsing through the selection of nature books that the school had to offer.

Taking a deep breath in, he mustered the courage to walk over and wave hello to the smaller boy who met Connor's gaze. "Hello, my name is C-O-N-N-O-R. I don't think we have met yet. I wanted to learn some sign language before I introduced myself, but I'm not fluent just yet. I would love to keep learning, and I would love to get to know you better. Would you like to go out sometime?"

Evan's eyes went wide as they lit up in surprise. His face went red as he signed back to him. "I would love to, would you like my number?" Connor nodded, grinning from ear to ear and he handed Evan his phone and watched him type in his number.

"Thank you, Evan. I'll text you later!"

As he walked off, he realized Zoe was right: he really was gay for this kid.

Ahh, I hope you humans enjoyed this oneshot, and I love you all so much!! ❤️❤️

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