The end<3

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Once you fully woke up,jungkook didn't let go of you at all,he kept on holding you close to his chest and would cuddle plus kiss you non stop, he was just over the moon with you finally coming back to your senses,"never ever scare me like this okay?" Jungkook mumbled as he held soo close,jungkooks mother walked into the room with a soft smile lingering on her lips

"Thank you for protecting me from mina,I could've been dead by now because of this, you really saved my life" she sweetly spoke,before sitting down on the bed next to you,you tried to get up,but jungkook immediately stopped you from getting up,"rest my baby,or it will hurt you" he advised before pecking you temple and fixing the blanket on you properly.

"Jiah is in jail,she was the master mind behind what mina did, she wanted to hurt you and my mom,i will be kicking her out as soon as all the questioning by my hyung ends" jungkook said.You were beyond shook once he said that jiah was behind all of this,you had no idea she hated you that much.

"But why does she hate you mrs jeon?" You asked her and she sweetly smiled before stroking your hair softly,making you smile as well "well let's just say I never liked her and always tried to convince jungkook to kick her out" you lightly laughed,"you were right mom, I should've kicked her out way to long ago,but now,i have y/n and I'm wayy better,I realized what true love and happiness is" jungkook said before kissing your nose softly,

Jungkooks mom smiled "I'll leave you too alone for a bit,and jungkook let y/n rest,stop the ever lasting effection okay" She said with a slight laugh before closing the door behind her

"I love you princess"Jungkook mumbled before pecking you temple and keeping you close to his chest "y/n" jungkook said "mhm?" You responded still laying comfortably on his chest

"Let's got married"he said out of no where leaving you shocked, "bun marriage takes alot of time, effort and planning"you said while playing with his hair softly,"I don't care y/n,i wanna get married to you" he responded as he wrapped his arms around your waist gently

"Guk" you said, "lets take our time in this relationship okay? You have alott of enemies and people that want to hurt you,let's take this slowly mhm?" You smiled,placing your arms around his neck and softly pecking his nose, then lips;making him a smol happy baby,"ugh i love you so much it's so hard to explain"You giggled before kissing him again softer than ever

A few hours later:

Jungkook was laying on the bed,with you laying on jungkooks chest;the two of you have been sitting in that position for about 2 hours now"heaven is your arms,you have no idea how beautiful it is when you cling or cuddle into me,i love it soo much and it literally makes my day" jungkook softly said in his deep gentle voice while playing with your hair,the two of you took a nap for 2 hours but you where still asleep due to exhaustion and the medicines that you were taking

"Trust me,I promise I'll keep you safe with everything I have and own in this world"he softly said before kissing you temple softly

True love does exist
You can change a person by just simply loving them
Sometimes people say that you can't change cold people,but you really can and you will
~the end

I love you loads please stay safe and healthy take good care of yourself and treat yourself better because you are enough and NO ONE can tell you otherwise<33

I'll see you in the next book lol

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