Jk: Making personal vlog on nature, Mrs. Jeon! 

It reminded me about the first day we met. He was holding a self-cam to take some clips, to make his "personal vlog". Memories came back! 

I smiled and replied,

Me: And you're saying I'm included in nature? 

Jk: Yes. You are. You and him........Smile! 

Again some clicking sounds came to my ear. He framed some weird postures of mine!

Jk: These pictures!!  Now I'm gonna stick them on every wall of our room...

He giggled imagining how the walls would be seen.

The man of 24, who was gonna be father few months later, who had been the mature guardian figure for the entire time, was acting like a excited teen ager! How cute!


Minho was visiting the entire kingdom, observing the people by riding his favorite horse. The whole kingdom had to be prepare for the great day! It was coming soon... After that he was going back to castle through a jungle with a high pace. Suddenly he bumped against something invisible, strong and sharp. Somehow he lost his balance and fell down. He couldn't understand what just happened right then. He got up, looked back and viewed a horrible scene-

His horse was lying dead! Its head was almost wrenched. He ran to the horse and discovered no life in that. 

Minho: Oh my god! What just happened? How this happened...

"Panicking, huh?"

He looked back to hear the voice. His eyes went huge wide to see the person. It was almost unbelievable...

Kwang So? How on the earth he's alive?

Minho: You? How? You were killed!

He uttered with amusement...

Kwang So: How could I leave my dear friend? Huh? So, I came back!

Minho: This can't be possible! I don't believe it! 

Kwang So: I see. Then, can you guess why your peoples are dying?

Minho: What do you mean?

He smirked.

Kwang So: Nightmares are back dear. Be prepared...

Suddenly he disappeared.

Minho looked here and there searching him. But suddenly he discovered himself of the ground and his horse standing beside him.

Minho: What? What the hell just happened? Did I dream? But why did I see him? Almighty knows..... 

God knew what was in his mind. The only thing I could do was observing his drama being lied on the bed. He was writing something on different paper pieces, folding  them and putting them at a corner.

Me: Will you just tell me what are you doing for a long?

Jk: Wait, lemme finish! Umm.. Yes. Now pick one.

Me: Why?

Jk: Pick one first! 

Me: Well...um... this one? 

He literally ousted the paper piece from the hand. He opened the folds and see the writing. Gradually a great smile appeared on his lips! 

Me: I want to see too... gimme that. 

Baby Kick | J.JK [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now