the fight and realizations

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Harry and Frankie had a fight

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Harry and Frankie had a fight.

It wasn't necessarily a big one, at least not one worth them separating- in hindsight, of course. During the event, however, all the bad thoughts ran through both parties' heads, the countless outcomes of the situation keeping both of them awake for nights on end. It had yet to get bad between the two of them, well, until now. But we're skipping ahead aren't we?

Let's start in Scotland.

Having gone from New York to Italy to Mexico and then to Scotland, it's safe to say jet lag was taking an unhealthy toll on Frankie, someone that's not used to traveling to so many places in such a short amount of time, unlike Harry who seems to be carrying it well. Frankie believes Harry's so put together because of his past experiences in the matter as well as the endless excitement of working on his new music. Now, just because Frankie isn't dealing well with the jetlag doesn't mean that she isn't enjoying herself, or hasn't enjoyed herself. But eventually everything has to catch up with a person and sadly for Frankie, her jet lag hit her on their first day in Scotland, the morning set aside for the two to do some exploring before they start shooting the music video. And Frankie, being the ever independent 26 year old she is, decided to keep it to herself when she woke up feeling sick.

"Are you ready to head to the restaurant, love?" Harry calls from the bedroom as Frankie stands in the bathroom, covering up her dark circles and red nose with her handy concealer.

"Yea! Jus' gimme five more minutes" She calls back, her voice coming out both croaky and stuffy, making her quickly chug a glass of water to get rid of any potential sign of her illness (hoping that Harry wouldn't know she's sick)

"Are you alright love? You look a bit red" Harry comments once she's out of the bathroom, fresh faced and red from her growing temperature. She quickly nods before replying.

"Jus' hot from my shower" She excuses and Harry nods, taking her bait before leading her out of their hotel room and into the small town where they are shooting the music video.

Their morning is wonderful, even though Frankie feels extremely under the weather. They eat breakfast at a small restaurant by the water before heading out to some of the shops where Harry finds a nifty jumper that Frankie knows will soon be hers (a condition of being her boyfriend, as she explained to Harry when she stole his one Nike jumper) They spend a good few hours in town before returning to the hotel, where Harry begins getting ready for the shoot later that afternoon. As Harry gets ready, Frankie takes a lie down on the bed as she scrolls through her phone and before she knows it, she's fast asleep. When Harry walks out of the bathroom babbling about a movie idea that he had though of in the shower, excited to see his girlfriend's reaction, he sees her passed out on the bed, her phone on her chest as she snores away.

Harry smiles at his girlfriend and walks up to her, to tuck her in. As he does so, he notices the dark circles under her eyes and her small red nose. She's sick, he thinks to himself and sighs, feeling her head to see if she's got a temperature or not and she does. He pulls his phone out and calls Jeff.

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