frankie and the bag

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"Francesca, we're going to be late!" Amelia calls from her bedroom as Frankie neatly folds all her clothes into her suitcase

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"Francesca, we're going to be late!" Amelia calls from her bedroom as Frankie neatly folds all her clothes into her suitcase.

"I'm getting there!" She calls back. "I just can't-" She frustratedly tries to zip her bag up but ends up falling on her bum as she holds the broken zipper in her hand. "You have got to be kidding me" She groans to herself as she pushes her hair back angrily.

"Would you like some help?" Jonah, Amelia's brother asks from Frankie's bedroom door. Frankie turns to him with a pout and sad eyes.

"Please" She says simply and Jonah chuckles before walking into her bedroom.

"What on earth have you done, Trouble?" He turns to her with wide eyes when he notices the state of her suitcase and she just holds up the zipper with a shy smile on her face.

You see, Frankie has always been a very clumsy girl. Ever since she started walking, she managed to get herself into the worst situations. Once, she was having a birthday party and as she was heading outside with the cupcakes in her hands, much to her mum's dismay, she managed to trip on the step and fell face first into the cupcakes her mum spent hours on. Another case was in high school. She was called up to say a speech in History but as she started walking to the front of the class, she tripped over someone's chair's leg and as fell into the world map in front of the class, she grabbed onto it hoping it would catch her fall, instead she ended up completely ripping it. A lot more has happened to her in her 25 years of life, every cake she baked would either be raw or burnt, the amount of clothes she had to get rid of because of her coffee stains are unbelievable and she never managed to go down steps without tripping at least once. Hence, the nickname Trouble.

Francesca Hallaway, Frankie as she prefers to be called, is a 25 year old teacher living in Hampstead, London with her best friend Amelia Knight. Once Frankie had finished school, she was a bit lost as to what she wanted to be doing with the rest of her life but when she got a small tutoring job, she realised that she wanted to be a teacher. After three years, Frankie got her degree and began working in a public school. But after working in the public school for 3 years, she managed to become a private school teacher. Now, two years into working at the new school, she couldn't be happier with her decision and her profession. She teaches a group of 15 year olds and really enjoys working with them. She loves her job, having always been passionate about teaching people, getting to do it everyday of her life brings her a lot of joy which she is always grateful for. It goes all the way back to her childhood when she used to pretend to be a teacher and teach her teddy bears or when she used to force her younger cousins to be her students. She's a teacher, always has been.

Frankie and Amelia met when they were in high school. Frankie had moved to London in year 8 and when Amelia first met her, she knew they would be friends for a very long time. Amelia is composed, poised and confident, everything Frankie's not, but that's what makes them a good pair. Amelia always manages to bring out the side of Frankie that no one usually sees, her confident and extroverted side. As an introvert, there's nothing she loves to do more than staying at home, reading or writing or watching Netflix whereas Amelia cannot stand the thought of it. If you ever were to see Frankie on a night out, it's very likely that Amelia forced her out of the house. Amelia is a lawyer in London, always trying to fight for the little guy, something Frankie has always admired.

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