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"You all have your costumes, right? Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them or anything."

"Does any of this even apply to me anymore?" Y/N mused to herself near the back, scratching her cheek while her other hand clutched the small case containing her clothing from the sports festival. She was sort of envious in a way that everyone else would be wearing some sort of cool outfit while she was stuck over here with a simple tracksuit. But then again, her whole introduction had been so badly placed from the very beginning, leading her to wonder if this universe was trying to fix some sort of plot hole she had managed to create. A small smile was released along with the rest of the class upon watching the pink alien's overly-excited outburst and Aizawa's representing comment, the bubbly girl slowly deflating after he said it.

He continued. "Make sure you mind your manners with the heroes at your internship! Off with you, now."

"Yes, sir!"

As the rest of the class seem to discuss with one another which direction they would be going for their internship, the short female's eyes separated from the homeroom teacher and landed on the already leaving class representative. "Ah. He's already leaving..." she mumbled out, her expression softening ever so much.

She wanted to follow after him, perhaps even provide her own set of comfort to his plight, but she knew full well it was most likely unneeded. There wasn't much she could say that those two wouldn't already be doing. Midoriya and Uraraka would run after their fellow classmate before he would be able to leave, providing their own definition of support to the male called friendship. The holy bond of the trio's friendship as she liked to call it. If anything, she would just be stealing even more of Midoriya's light as the main character if she decided to run after him. How would she even comfort him to begin with? From her limited knowledge, Iida and Masami didn't have much of a relationship outside of being classmates in the past at one point and if they did, it wasn't really visible. Wouldn't it just seem sort of weird if she went up to him now and went, "You can rely on me for anything ♡"? Scratch that, she might as well seem like some out of world entity is she decided to go that route.

A laugh out of pity to herself and a shake of the head. "Well, that's too bad. I hope you don't mind leading- Eh? Todoroki-san?"

She blinked blankly with an open mouth, head following dumbly along at her fellow classmate as he walked off and always from his previous spot. He didn't turn back, almost looking like he never even heard Y/N in the first place even though he should have. But a single question ran through her mind, all other thoughts being pushed aside as if they were of little importance.

Wasn't that the same direction Iida was going?

"!" The h/c haired female jerked out of her momentary trance, launching herself at the other male with vigorous speed. She threw out her hands, gripping onto his arm and rather violently shoving the two of them back. Her feet were implanted into the ground hard, eyes taking in the male wildly with newfound horror. "W-What in the world are you doing?" she sputtered out, a certain dryness growing.

The male turned his head down, looking at her with a straight expression as if to say she should already know the answer to it. But in case she didn't realize what he meant, he let out, "Going after Iida-kun." Before she could even voice her complaints anymore, the duo-colored boy had already begun moving, now with a girl attached to his arm and dragging her feet against the ground like she was nothing. Did he really have no problem about dragging her along? What the hell is with this straight-forward attitude?

"J-Just wait a moment!" she shouted, interjected. They only got closer. "There's really no need for this Todoroki-san! So let's just calm down for a second!"

(OLD) Since I've Been Given Another Chance, Let's Be Heroes! | BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now