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"Talk about a weird case of deja vu."

The female ran a gloved hand through the h/c hair strands visible as her other hand shoved her phone back into her pocket rather haphazardly. A huff escaped her lips, eyes closed in mild frustration as two fingers pinched the bridge of her nose. The sleeve of her sweater fell down into a crumbled mess near the elbow of her lifted arm, hanging loosely from it, the dress underneath slightly weighing down with the additional weight just added onto it. A black cap covered the failed attempts to make a bun for the morning, shadowing the top of her face as a sneaker tapped against the ground underneath.

Perhaps she shouldn't have come so early before they were supposed to meet up. Old habits were such a difficult thing to kill, her own timing falling under that category so very easy. How many times had she shown up at least an hour before she was supposed to just so she wouldn't have to keep someone waiting? It was honestly kind of pathetic now that she thought about it. Maybe she was really desperate to appease people or something. The female let out a groan to no one in particular, throwing her back against the cement building that stood behind herself. Her eyes watched with slight interest as the crowd of people kept moving on with their lives, her existence falling into nothing more than a simple background character.

Someone who didn't constantly worry about having the world watching them. Someone who didn't have to worry about the things they were doing or had to spare a second thought to their actions and the consequences of said actions. Someone who was nothing more than another piece of grass within the billions of others that existed, so similar to everyone else that their differences were unnoticeable. A person who could just live the way they wanted to without fear of anything going wrong.

Hah, she wished.

Perhaps then, for once, might she be happy.

H/c hair shook along with her head, a forced smile claiming her face. She really needed to stop thinking like that. Thoughts like that were always dangerous to have, especially when the universe seemed to be out to get you. If she continued down this line, she might as well be depressed for the entirety of this so-called 'hangout'. Then again, would that really be bad? They weren't here, to begin with. If she were to turn around right now, nobody would be the wiser. All she needed to do was send a text saying she had caught some shitty cold or something and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Actually, why had she agreed to this in the first place? It's not like they were even close to one another, to begin with. Actually, it was very fucking strange they had even instigated any form of conversation with her. The last time she checked, she had been very cautious about handing out her phone number, the only people she had given it out to being Midoriya and the girls in 1-A after a lot of pestering.

Was this bullying?

It wasn't abnormal for a person to face some form of criticism during their lifetime, she should know that from personal experience. She hadn't even expected everyone would like her anyways. Going through life with people praising you constantly just sounded like some annoying thing that would weigh her down after some time. But what the fuck had she done to make someone hate her? Last time she checked, she had been fairly neutral with everyone she had met, not giving enough information to instigate a friendship but also not enough for gossip. Maybe this was becoming some cliche high school movie plot? But that made no sense-


The female blinked, snapping from her train of thought. She turned her head, having to look up in order to see the other person's face properly.

"Ah, you actually showed up."


Red eyes glared down at her e/c colored ones, a scowl appearing on his face almost as quickly as she had let those words slip through her lips. His hands were shoved into the pocket of his jacket, body visibly shaking ever so much to her eye. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean shitty bitch?"

(OLD) Since I've Been Given Another Chance, Let's Be Heroes! | BNHA x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon