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"Midoriya-kun and...Todoroki-san? I wasn't aware you ate lunch together?"

"M-Masami-chan!" the green-haired boy let out in surprise as he saw the approaching female. He had stopped eating alongside the duo haired boy, the later providing a short gaze in recognition before returning to hid food just as fast. Ochako waved eagerly, Iida nodding his head at the sight of her. "W-We started eating lunch together yesterday."

"You should really eat lunch with us sometime!" Ochako let out from her side of the table, providing an equally bright grin to follow suit. "Now that we're classmates, I really hope we spend more time together! We still haven't had a chance to all hang out yet!"

"As much as I would love to hang out more in the future with you guys, I don't think I'd be able to handle much more Ashido-chan's teasing. It's quite difficult being a mom to several people," the female laughed out dejectedly before shaking her head and dismissing the thought. She cleared her throat, providing a smaller smile in comparison to the brunette's own. "Actually, I needed to ask Todoroki-san his opinion on something." Her gaze moved to the boy who had now turned his head back. "I hope you don't mind. I promise I won't take too much of your time."

He looked away for a second, appearing to be in thought, before turning his attention back to her, keeping his casual expression and straight-lined lip image. "I don't mind. What do you need?"

"It's...about the internship. I was perhaps seeking some form of personal guidance before making any final conclusions," she admitted with a frown. She hesitated slightly with her speech, deciding against outright explaining her situation to him. "It would probably be best if you saw it before I start asking for your opinion on it." He was bound to pick up on it faster if she showed him the list anyways.

She was carrying this thing around everywhere, wasn't she? She didn't even think she had taken it out of her pocket last night. The female handed over her folded list, the male accepting it and unfolding it. It took a few seconds before he was able to see what the female had brought to his attention, his expression morphing into something else entirely as she had suspected. He stood up from his seat, handing it back with a frown. "Let's talk about this somewhere else," he muttered. Her eyes could barely make out the grimace leaving his face, wincing out of his uncomfortableness.

"Are you guys leaving?" Iida asked, the female watching as Todoroki had already begun walking away. He really wasn't giving her much time to apologize to the rest of the group, wasn't he? Well, she couldn't exactly blame him.

"Yes, sorry! I'll try not to take too much of his time!" she quickly apologized, hurrying after her classmate. She was albeit a bit slower than the male, having to push her legs just to keep behind him. He was unsurprisingly enough a fast walker. Her h/c hair bounced behind her with every step as they entered a hallway, her eyes taking in the general lack of people. They continued down further for a bit until he stopped, turning around her and looking at her. He was frowning now as he spoke, his displeasure seeping through.

"I take it you already made your decision since you're asking me?" he asked, the female releasing a sigh. She crossed her arms, looking away from him and towards a nearby window. Her foot kicked at the ground.

"Hardly," she said. Her hand moved, running through her hair with a groan. "I would say it's because I have reservations I'm asking you about this. The only reason I have any intentions to study under him is because of his position as the number two hero at best and he's most likely going to be in the same location as I need to be in a few days. Besides that, I'm not particularly fond of the idea of kissing some asshole's feet like a dog." He raised his brows, causing her to shake her head. "Call it a terrible suspicion if you want, but your feelings towards Endeavor were fairly loud and clear during the sports festival to anyone within a five-mile radius. That type of rejection doesn't just manifest over some petty argument, Todoroki-san."

(OLD) Since I've Been Given Another Chance, Let's Be Heroes! | BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now